Sharing files internally using OneDrive
Incoming students
Incoming students for Fall 2020 and later will be given an email in the format "". You will not have access to or which are both referenced throughout this article. For more information on what and @eduuwaterloo.onmicrosoft are see below.
Students with previous "" accounts
After April 28th 2020 all existing accounts have been migrated to the new email domain of "". Students who previously had edu accounts will retain access to that account to retrieve emails and files and manually move them to the new email domain until April 2021.
To access your edu account after the migration:
Navigate to
Sign in with "" and your UWaterloo password.
For more information on how to migrate OneDrive files from the edu account to the new @uwaterloo domain see below.
Step-by-step guide
Log in to your account at using your full Waterloo email address and password.
Undergraduate students:
Staff, faculty, graduate students:
Under Apps click OneDrive to launch the web app.
A list of your files/folders will display:
Right-click the file/folder you wish to share.
OneDrive has a 15-gigabyte (GB) file size limit for each file uploaded. You will not be able to share files larger than this.
Click Share in the new dialog box.
Specify which group the file/ folder will be shared with:
Specific People - This option limits use of the link to specific people
This is the recommended option for all sharing as you can manually choose recipients. This option allows sharing between the @uwaterloo domain and the domain.
Uwaterloo domain:
Edu.uwaterloo domain:
People in University of Waterloo - This option limits access of files to members of the University community with active Office 365 accounts
This option does not allow the uwaterloo domain to share with the edu.uwaterloo domain and vice versa.
This will allow all members of the University to access the file or folder as long as they have the link. You will not need to specify recipients.
4. After you have selected an option, click ‘Apply’:
5 Enter the email address of the recipient. Multiple addresses may be entered if you are sending to more than one person.
6. Click ‘Send’ to email your recipient(s) the link to your file.
7. Alternatively, you can click ‘Copy Link’ to copy it for use later.
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Need help?
Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.
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