When you transfer a call, search the destination by their phone number - then actually click the number - then “Transfer now”.
In the below example, you search by “43031” - click the first search result “43031” - then “Transfer Now”
Also, it is strongly recommended to resume the call that was on hold first, then transfer the call.
Suggestion #2: Use the “Consult” button rather than “Transfer”
In the below example, there is “Consult” button.
It will take a few more seconds to use “Consult” button then transfer but this way, it can be ensured that the call is transferred to the right destination before returning to other calls that are on hold.
Overall, it takes a few seconds for a call to be transferred. It would be crucial to make sure the call transferred is completed, before returning to other calls on hold.
Press the transfer button above the number pad.
Then, complete 1 of the following:
Option #1: Search the transfer destination by their extension (For example: 42815). Then select (left click) the extension number NOT the person and click transfer now.
Option #2: Search the transfer destination by their name (For Example: Lance Chase) then RIGHT click on the person who want to transfer the call to and select their phone extension (as you can see in the below picture, it would be “Work 42815” in the below example).