Use the Projector and AirMedia
Using the Projector with the Desktop Computer
Turn on the projector: Press System ON button on the wall panel.
Turn on the computer if it is not already on (located in the open shelf of the black cabinet below the wall panel).
Take out the wireless keyboard from the drawer of the black cabinet; ensure it is powered on.
Swipe your finger on the touch pad of the keyboard to wake the computer.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del on the keyboard to unlock the computer.
Log in with your own WatIAM credentials.
If you are using a thumb drive, insert it into one of the USB ports on the front of the desktop computer.
Access your thumb drive's data through File Explorer.
If you are using a presentation clicker, insert the receiver into one of the USB ports on the front of the desktop computer.
When you are done, please:
Close all programs
Sign out of the computer
Return the keyboard to the drawer in the black cabinet
Press the System OFF button on the wall panel
Using a Laptop to Connect to the Projector with AirMedia
Turn on the projector: Press System ON button on the wall panel.
Press the AirMedia button.
It will take a minute to load, you should then see the following on the projector screen:
Power on your device and login to it.
Ensure your device is connected to the Internet.
Open an Internet browser (e.g., Chrome).
Enter the IP address, making sure to include the periods, (e.g., shown in the top-left of the AirMedia screen and press Enter.
You should then see the following window:
Click the Download button for the appropriate type of device (Windows or Mac).
Save the file and open it.
You should then see the following window:
Enter the 4-digit code that appears in the top-right corner of the projector screen and click OK.
You should then see the following control window (which you can minimize but do not close as it will disconnect your session). Your device’s screen should be projected on the projector screen.
When you are done, please close the Creston AirMedia window to disconnect and press the System OFF button on the wall panel.