Contacts (WCMS 2)

How to create a Contact


Contacts appear in 'Our People' under the "About" section of your site. Contacts will appear in random order unless sorted - see: Sort and group contacts.

Content Authors cannot create Contacts.

Creating a Contact (WatIAM userid)

  1. Create Waterloo employee contact.

    1. Select My Workbench from the Administration menu.

    2. Select Create/Manage Content tab.

    3. Click Contact.

    4. Click +Add contact.

  2. Enter the 8 character WatIAM userid of
    the contact you are creating and click or tab outside of the field.
    Information from WatIAM will be automatically populated in the
    information fields.

    1. The Affiliation will automatically default to University of Waterloo.

  3. Enter the Title or position of the contact.

  4. Upload a Listing page image (optional) - image will appear as a thumbnail on the Our People listing page.

    1. Click Browse and select image.

    2. Click Upload.

    3. Add Alternative text.

  5. Option to add link to person profile or to a CV.

    1. Under Link text, begin to type the name of the profile page.

    2. The page will begin to populate. Select the profile page.

  6. Under Menu settings, select About under Parent item.

  7. Click Save.

Contacts do not automatically update when the WatIAM entry changes, they only pull data from WatIAM when the userid is entered. To update a contact to pull in new data from WatIAM, edit the contact, put your cursor in the userid field and press tab.

Creating a contact (non- University of Waterloo user)

  1. Create Waterloo employee contact.

    1. Select My Workbench from the Administration menu.

    2. Select Create/Manage Content tab.

    3. Click Contact.

    4. Click +Add contact.

  2. Enter contact information manually starting at Name.

  3. Upload a Listing page image (optional).

  4. Add optional link to Person profile or CV.

    1. Under Link text, begin to type the name of the profile page.

    2. The page will begin to populate. Select the profile page.

  5. Under Menu settings, select About under Parent item.

  6. Click Save.

Other site templates

Conference, Publication, and Single page

This content type is not available in other site templates.