SW/FW Documentation Guideline

Project Documentation

Date Last Updated: Jul 7, 2024


Project Goal and Importance:

  • Clearly state the objective of the project.

  • Explain why the project is essential for the team and the subsystem(s) it supports.

Key Concepts:

  • List and describe the main concepts used in this project.

Dependencies on Other Projects:

  • Mention if this project builds on previous projects.

  • Provide links to relevant documentation of those projects.

System Diagram

  • Create and insert a detailed system diagram to illustrate the project's architecture and component interactions.

Detailed Look at Code

Design Process:

  • Outline the design process followed (if applicable).

Code Explanation:

  • Provide a thorough explanation of the code, including key modules and functions.

Testing Method and Results

Testing Procedures:

  • Describe the testing methods used.

  • Include any test cases, scenarios, and the environment setup.


  • Present the testing results, highlighting any significant findings or issues resolved.

How to Use

User Guide:

  • Ensure that any user can understand and use the code or process after reading this section.

Dependencies and Installation:

  • List all dependencies required for the project.

  • Provide clear instructions on how to install these dependencies.

Running the Code:

  • Offer a step-by-step example of how to start the code.

  • Explain what the code does, including its main functions and expected output.

Tips and Additional Information:

  • Provide any additional tips or important information that might help users.