General Meeting - November 29, 2021


  • Bearing stackup issues

  • Axis 3 - changes made (finished)

  • Axis 4 - not started

  • Axis 1 - 3 ready

    • Drawings after this meeting

  • Axis 5/6 - almost done

  • Maxon - Jan (1st week)

  • Wiring: EM Shielding

  • Cross roller bearing/Slewing Bearings


  • Manufacturing going into next year

  • Ordering parts and machining things


  • Calling Martina to expedite this

  • Netzer encoders, sponsor wants them back, but we can only find 5 of them

    • 1 or 2 people really need to sweep through the bay

Battery Charger

  • Buy a battery charger (Farris)

Electrical PCBs

  • Finishing up the schematics

  • Science done

  • gimbal done

  • PDB/voltage converters done

  • BMS - good progress

  • Order everything by end of month

  • Jetson carrier

    • Need to figure out where things are with that, how much needs to be done


  • Elevator almost done

  • Clean up CAD

  • Test the dirt sucking feature

Electrical Box

  • PDF, Jetson xavier, Converters, Battery, CAN breakout,

  • Austin & Farris needs to work out what goes into the EBox

    • Chan

    • Change front panel (maybe)

    • Sponsorship labels


  • Orson’s project

  • Farris check on antenna ordering


  • Can’t purchase directly using the team account

    • Paula on leave

    • No procurement right now


  • Cable dropdown installed

  • Chemicals need to be logged or thrown out

    • Logging process: binder, or confluence saying that we have _____ of ____, and any danger