Terms of Service / SourceAPI

These pages are WIP as we transition, update, and publish more documentation.

Terms of Service / SourceAPI

In this section we provide the terms of service under which you are expected to use this API. You are expected to abide by these terms to be able to use the API and any resources from it.

Last updated: February 6th, 2018

These API Terms of Service are a binding agreement between University of Waterloo ("UW"), Information Systems and Technology ("IST"), Enterprise Architecture ("IIM") group and You. By accessing the API covered by these terms you (1) expressly acknowledge that you have read these API terms of service and understand the rights, obligations, terms and conditions set forth herein (2) expressly consent to be bound by these terms and conditions (3) grant IIM, IST, UW, and their agents the rights set forth herein, and (4) represent that you are of legal age to form a binding contract. If you disagree with any of these API terms of service, you are not granted a license and may not access or use the SourceAPI API, the data, or the associated site.

Source APIs ("SourceAPI") Are a group of application programming interfaces ("APIs") created by or on behalf of ("UW") which allow licensees to retrieve certain data regarding UW operations with access provided to You by IIM. The APIs are made available for free to qualified licensees subject to the following obligations, terms and conditions, including UW, IST, and IIM's right to suspend or terminate any or all of the SourceAPIs or Your access to them at any time without notice.

Data License The data within the SourceAPI is made available under the guidelines of the Acceptable Usage Policy and with any additional restrictions for the data sets as described in the Dataset Details sections. The license is free for You to use at this time, but UW reserves the right to charge a fee for their use in the future.

This license is subject to the following restrictions:

  1. Applications may not contain offensive material or material harmful to the UW community.
  2. Applications may not be associated with nor contain any content that is unlawful, tortious, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person, threatening, harassing, abusive, hateful, racist or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate, as determined by UW in UW's sole discretion.
  3. Applications must perform no function which, in UW's sole discretion, negatively impacts UW system or services.
  4. You may not sell or license the Data to any party.
  5. The data is for Your use to perform work or develop and implement services to complete UW project objectives and/or improve the experience of UW members.
  6. You must secure & protect the Data, respecting the PSIA process and any best practices security recommendations put forward by IST and UW.
  7. You must use appropriate technical and organizational security measures to prevent unauthorized access or disclosure of the Data. If You determine or have reason to believe that the Data has been accessed, disclosed or otherwise leaked to any unauthorized party, You must immediately notify UW and IST within 12 hours of this event and any related circumstances and co-operate with any follow up investigation of the incident.
  8. The data comes from authoritative systems with the understanding of the relevant data stewards. The SourceAPI verifies and tests this integration, but ultimately provides the data in a best effort "as is".
  9. Except where explicitly permitted through use of the SourceAPI and data access agreement, You will not perform any data-mining, scraping, crawling, or use any robot, or other automatic processes to retrieve and/or store the data in bulk

Indemnity You agree to hold harmless and indemnify UW, and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and employees from and against any third party claim arising from or in any way related to Your or Your users' use of Your Application, SourceAPI or Data.

Changes IIM reserves the right to change the SourceAPI Terms of Service, and You are responsible for regularly reviewing these SourceAPI Terms of Service. Your continued use of the SourceAPI and/or Data from them after the effective date of such changes will constitute acceptance of and agreement to any such changes. If You don't agree with any such changes, or to any of the terms in these SourceAPI Terms of Service, Your only remedy is to discontinue using the SourceAPI, and Data.

Termination IIM may change, suspend or discontinue the SourceAPI and suspend or terminate Your use of the SourceAPI, Data and/or associated tools at any time for any reason, without notice. If IIM suspends or terminates Your use of the SourceAPI, Data and/or associated tools, you must immediately cease using the SourceAPI and Data from Your Application, and delete all copies of the Data in your possession or under your control.

You may also terminate these API Terms of Service by ceasing to use the SourceAPI, Data and associated tools and removing implementation of the SourceAPI and Data from Your Application, and deleting all copies of the Data in your possession or under your control.

Documented Changes

DateChange Comments
February 6th, 2018Clarify "data as is", grammar updates, Confluence move
February 3rd, 2017Initial Version

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