KOTS+ Integration Design Document
Preliminary Architecture design
Functional architecture
Top level Vehicle
Overall Requirement statements, Generated by project stakeholders (This still needs to take place):
ConOPS Stages
These are the distinct states of rocket operations.
1.0 Assembly - 2.0 Ground functions - 3.0 Launch - 4.0 Powered Flight - 5.0 Coast - 6.0 Apogee Events - 7.0 High velocity Descent - 8.0 Low altitude Events - 9.0 Low velocity Descent - 10.0 Landing - 11.0 Recovery & Disassembly
Each stage can be broken down further into nominal (NX.X.X) and Off-nominal (EX.X.X) Steps. This is described in system-level functional-flow block diagrams for each stage
Physical architecture
Break top level vehicle into the following subsections - Based on physical location
Each subsection is assigned a Section number S#.
S# |
| Bounds & Interfaces | Spec Document | Section Owner | Subteam Allocation |
R0.0 | Rocket (Highest Level) |
1.0 | Recovery System | All Parts from tip of nosecone to the Recovery bulkhead & Electronics sled. |
1.1 | Nosecone |
| Airframe |
1.2 | Shear-pin coupler |
1.3 | Parachute Tube |
1.4 | Parachute & Rigging |
1.5 | BigRedBee System |
| Matti Gencher |
1.6 | Deployment Pyrotechnics |
1.7 | Recovery Electronics Sled |
| Stefan Arroyo-Cottier |
1.8 | Flight Electronics System |
1.9 | Live-Telemetry System |
2.0 | Cubesat Payload |
2.1 | Payload Structure |
2.2 | Payload Experiment |
3.0 | Upper Airframe |
3.1 | Upper Bodytube |
3.2 | Payload Retention Structure |
3.3 | Camera System |
4.0 | Tank Vent System |
4.1 | Pressure Relief Systems |
4.2 | Vent Valve & Actuator |
4.3 | Vent Pneumatics |
4.4 | Vent Electronics |
5.0 | Oxidizer Tank |
5.1 | Raceway |
5.2 | Tank |
5.3 | Vent Bulkhead |
5.4 | Fill Bulkhead |
6.0 | Ox-Tank-Aft-Skirt (OTAS) |
6.1 | Longerons |
6.2 | Fairings |
6.3 | Fill Disconnect Hatch |
7.0 | Injector Feed System |
7.1 | Injector Valve |
7.2 | Injector Electronics |
7.3 | Injector Pneumatics |
7.4 | Ox. / Air Fill Disconnect line |
7.5 | Electrical Umbilical Disconnect |
8.0 | Combustion Chamber |
8.1 | Injector bulkhead Assembly |
8.2 | Fuel & Chamber Assembly |
8.3 | Nozzle Assembly |
9.0 | Fins & CC Airframe |
9.1 | Fin body |
9.2 | Boat-Tail |
9.3 | Nozzle Interface |
10.0 | Electrical Harness |
10.1 | Recovery Harness |
10.2 | Upper Section Harness |
10.3 | OTAS Harness |
G0.0 | Launch GSE (Highest Level) |