Examsoft Troubleshooting
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  • Examsoft Troubleshooting

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    Universities, colleges, and professional organizations frequently utilize Examplify to give students tests, quizzes, and other forms of evaluation. It offers features like time limitations, a restricted browser that blocks access to other applications or websites while taking the exam, and safe encryption for exam data.

    Before a test, students generally install Examplify on their personal computers or other devices. Examplify monitors and manages the testing environment during the exam to maintain the security and integrity of the assessment process.

    Before you start an Exam

    Please ensure your machine meets the minimum system requirements

    At this time, we only support Windows, Mac, and iPad operating systems. Examplify will not run on Chromebook, Android, or Linux operating system.

    Exam Checklist

    • Charge your laptop battery and bring your power cord

    • Check that your computer's date and time are accurate

    • Save all your work: restart your computer to ensure all other windows and documents are closed

    • Disable Anti-virus for the exam period, please remember to re-enable your anti-virus after each exam

    Disable Your Antivirus Software

    Mid-Exam Issues

    • Computer freezes during an exam:

      • Do not exit the exam. Let your instructor or in-class exam proctor know.

      • Power off the computer.

      • Power on the computer.

      • When Examplify's exam windows are displayed, select Return to Exam to continue the exam or Close Exam to exit the exam.

      • You will be prompted to enter a resume code.


    Resume code

    If an exam-taker's computer is turned off during an exam and remains off longer than the time limit, then a resume code prompt will appear. Until the resume code is entered, the exam-taker will be unable to continue the exam. These precautions help to ensure exam integrity.



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