Exploring purposeful work

Exploring purposeful work

Self-assessment and your career

Wherever you are in your career, it’s important to develop an understanding of yourself and what feels meaningful/purposeful to you. It enables you to have a thorough understanding of your career goals and motivations when thinking of how to intentionally make the most of your degree and throughout your career. Understanding what drives you in your career can support you in:


  1. Making informed choices

Self-assessment supports you in making informed choices related to your:

  • Educational goals

  • Specific job options

  • General career and educational direction (e.g., what courses to take, what projects to pursue, whom to connect with)


  1. Identifying connections

Self-assessment supports you in determining connections between employer expectations/goals and your own expectations/goals for a specific role.


  1. Recognizing areas for growth

Self-assessment supports you in identifying areas to advance or develop further to meet your personal goals or any employer expectations you want to focus on.

When you engage in self-assessment, you can identify what is purposeful or meaningful work for you by reflecting on the following key areas:

  • Values and needs

  • Talents and skills

  • Impact

  • Engagement with the world of work

This process isn’t necessarily about identifying a single grand purpose in your life; it can be about identifying work that is meaningful/fulfilling to you right now. What is purposeful for you now may shift later in your career. Having a sense of purpose may support you in navigating a world of work that is increasingly Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA).

Dive into exploring purposeful work




No author (n.d.) What is VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity)? Supply chain Game Changer https://supplychaingamechanger.com/what-is-vuca-volatility-uncertainty-complexity-and-ambiguity/