Identity and your career

Identity and your career

Welcome to the Identity and Your Career section, where you will find content around careers considering how different identities may result in unique complexities throughout your job-searching journey.

Navigating your career journey can be confusing, and considering how one’s identity may play a role could bring anxiety to your career journey. These resources were created to provide insights, strategies and support for finding safer spaces in your career journeys and to help you empower your peers to do the same.  

There are five overarching identity groups listed:

Note: This is not an exhaustive list, and the support offered at the Centre for Career Development (CCD) is not limited to only these five identity groups. While these identity groups were prioritized based on service user feedback, the intent is to add additional content over time.

While these pages are separated and discussed individually (for ease of understanding and clarity), they may not represent your unique lived experiences. In reality, you may identify with multiple intersecting identities. Intersectional identities may lead to multiple and unique barriers to your careers, but they may also give you many strengths and insights. Look at what feels relevant to you.

Each lived experience is unique. The content does not cover all the nuances, which may be better addressed in a conversation. If you want a deeper discussion and would like to chat with someone, we encourage you to book an appointment with a career advisor at the CCD.


What can you expect in an appointment with a career advisor?

In a one-on-one appointment, career advisors may support clients by:

  • guiding how to present your authentic self through job applications best, searching for meaningful work and identifying skills, values, needs and impact you have;

  • creating a welcoming and inclusive space for you and actively listening as you share their experiences and/or concerns around careers and identity;

  • sharing opportunities to build career development skills, work/volunteer opportunities and insights to help empower you in taking the next step in your career path;

  • discussing how you may incorporate your values into your work/job applications and chatting through if your identities impact these values; presenting options on how you can present yourself.