Cover letters

Cover letters

What is a cover letter and what purpose does it serve?

A cover letter is a one-page persuasive document you may submit along with a résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) as part of a job application. It's typically your first chance to introduce yourself and establish a connection with a prospective hiring manager.

The main objectives of a cover letter are:

  • To convince the employer that you're qualified for the role

  • To convey that you're interested in the role and the organization

The overall goal of a cover letter is:

  • To persuade the employer to invite you for an interview to learn even more about you

A strong résumé contains information about your suitability for a specific position through strategic organization and descriptions of your experiences.

A strong cover letter details specific experiences, knowledge, skills and values included in your résumé that you want the employer to know more about.

Dive into cover letters