Installing software onto the Gold Image

Software to be installed for base gold image

 Instructions for installing software

Installing OneDrive

  1. Download the OneDrive client from Download OneDrive | Get the Microsoft OneDrive App for Mobile and note it’s download location (by default should be Downloads folder).

  2. Navigate to \\\winapps$\wvd\arts\onedrive and rename the current onedrivesetup.exe to onedrivesetup_<month>-<year> from last modified date (i.e., onedrivesetup_04-2022.exe).

  3. Copy the downloaded OneDrive app from local downloads folder to


  4. Run the following PowerShell script to uninstall the current OneDrive Client and install the newer OneDrive client in AllUsers mode.

#Creates folder on C: called temp new-item -ItemType directory -Path C:\TEMP -Force #copies onedrivesetup.exe from network to local c:\temp Copy-Item \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\OneDriveSetup.exe - Destination "C:\Temp\OneDriveSetup.exe" -Force #Uninstall OneDrive $OneDriveEXE = "c:\temp\OneDriveSetup.exe" $OneDriveParams = "/uninstall" & "$OneDriveEXE" $OneDriveParams #Installing OneDrive in /allusers mode $OneDriveEXE = "c:\temp\OneDriveSetup.exe" $OneDriveParams = "/allusers" & "$OneDriveEXE" $OneDriveParams

Configuring OneDrive

Run the following PowerShell script to configure OneDrive for Azure Virtual Desktop.

new-item -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive" new-item -path "HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive" new-item -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RailRunonce" new-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive" -Name "AllUserInstall" -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force new-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive" -Name "EnableADAL" -Value "2" -PropertyType DWORD -Force new-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive" -Name "FilesOnDemandEnabled" -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force new-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" -Name "OneDrive" -Value "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft OneDrive\OneDrive.exe /background" -PropertyType STRING -Force new-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive" -Name "SilentAccountConfig" -Value "1" -PropertyType DWORD -Force new-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive" -Name "KFMSilentOptIn" -Value "723a5a87-f39a-4a22-9247-3fc240c01396" -PropertyType STRING -Force new-itemproperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RailRunonce" -Name "OneDrive" -Value "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft OneDrive\OneDrive.exe /background" -PropertyType STRING -Force #Disables auto update scheduled tasks for OneDrive $odtasks = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "*Onedrive*" foreach ($odtask in $odtasks) { Disable-ScheduledTask -TaskName $odtask.taskname }

Installing 7-Zip

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\.

  2. Locate the 7-Zip folder.

  3. Find the latest version and click on that folder.

  4. Click on Deploy > x64 and then click on and run 7zip####_unattended_x64.exe.

Installing Google Chrome

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\.

  2. Locate the Google Chrome folder.

  3. Find the latest version and click on that folder.

  4. Click on Deploy > x64 and then click on and run Google_Chrome_###.#.####.###_unattended_x64.exe.

Installing Mozilla FireFox

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\.

  2. Locate the Firefox folder.

  3. Find the latest version and click on that folder.

  4. Click on RR > Deploy > x64 and then click on and run Mozilla_Firefox_###.#_unattended_x64.exe.

Installing Notepad++

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\.

  2. Locate the Notepad++ folder.

  3. Find the latest version and click on that folder.

  4. Click on Deploy > x64 and then click on and run Notepadplusplus_#.#.#_unattended.exe.

  5. Once Notepad++ is installed, open up a powershell prompt and run the following command to allow sysprep to complete without error.

    Get-AppxPackage -name *NotepadPlusPlus* | Remove-AppPackage

Installing Microsoft Power BI Desktop

  1. Open internet browser and navigate to

  2. Locate the Power BI Desktop folder.

  3. Find the latest version and click on that folder.

  4. Click on Deploy > x64 and then click on and run MSPowerBIDesktop_#.###.####.#_unattended_x64.exe.

Installing Anaconda/Jupiter Notebook

  1. Download the latest version of Anaconda from to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Anaconda.

  2. Run the installer

  3. When finished, open Start > Anaconda > Anaconda prompt. At the prompt type conda update --all . It

  4. It will give a list of all packages to update. Press Y then press enter to proceed.

  5. When complete, run the following commands to install the requested additional plugins.

    pip install yfinance pip install numpy-financial pip install datetime pip install requests


  6. At the prompt type conda update --all to see if there are any more updates. If there are any updates, do them.

  7. Close the window when done.

Installing Morningstar Direct

  1. Download the latest version from to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Morningstar Direct\.

  2. Run the installer (morningstardirectsetup.exe).

  3. The installer will go through and download the prerequisites and then launch the prerequisite installer. Once the installer appears, click on Next.

  4. The Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime will go through and be installed.

  5. When complete, click on Close.

  6. On the prerequisites installer click on Continue. Wait for the installer to download the setup and continue with the installation. When ready, click on Next.

  7. When prompted for customer information, leave blank and make sure Anyone who uses this computer (all users) is selected. Click Next.

  8. Click Next again.

  9. Select Complete then click Next.

  10. Click Install.

  11. When finished, uncheck Launch Morningstar Direct and click Finish.

  12. Restart the VM.

Installing Adobe Creative Cloud (no longer added to AVD VM’s)

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Adobe CC\Arts - Managed - All Apps_en_us_win64\Arts - AVD - CC No Updates\Build.

  2. Run Setup.exe and let the installer run. This will take 30+ minutes to complete.

  3. When done, run the following PowerShell script to remove incompatible Windows apps installed with Adobe CC that prevent SysPrep from working.

Installing R Studio Desktop

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\ StandardApps\RStudio Desktop\. Locate the most recent version folder and go into the deploy folder.

  2. Run RStudio_<YYYY.MM.DD>_unattended.exe to install.

  3. Wait for it to finish.

Installing R

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\R. Locate the most recent version folder and go into the deploy folder.

  2. Run R_4.2.2_unattended.exe to install. This will take a while to finish.

  3. Wait for it to finish.

Installing Alteryx

  1. Download Alteryx from the portal ( and use the userid/pw found in Passbolt to download the latest version of Alteryx Designer (3 downloads, admin versions)

  2. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\Alteryx. Locate and go into the Current folder

  3. Run AlteryxInstallx64_<version number>.exe to install. This will take a while to finish.

  4. Run AlteryxPatchInstall<version number>.exe. If applicable, this will take a while to finish.

  5. Run RInstaller_<version number>.exe to install. This will take a while to finish.

  6. Verify that C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\AlteryxActivateLicenseKeyCmd.exe exists. This will be needed to activate the license. See Activating Alteryx for more details.

  7. Note: There is a startup script that licenses Alteryx

Installing Adobe Reader

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\Adobe Reader\. Locate the most recent version folder and go into the deploy folder.

  2. Run AcroRdrDC_<version number>_unattended.exe. This will take some time to finish.

  3. Restart the computer.

Installing NVivo

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\NVivo.

  2. Run NVivo.x64.exe and install any prerequisites it requires during the wizard.

  3. Copy Activation.xml from \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\NVivo and paste it into C:\Program Files\QSR\NVivo 14\.

  4. Once complete, open cmd prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\QSR\NVivo 14\.

  5. Copy and paste into the command prompt nvivo.exe -i NVT14-JZ000-3HA20-FR68I-9RTQL -a Activation.xml to activate the software.

Installing Audacity

  1. Downlkoad the latest version from to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Audacity

  2. Run audacity-win-<version>-x64.exe and go through the setup wizard using default values.

Installing Jamovi

  1. Open Windows Explorer and navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Jamovi.

(download from )

  1. Run jamovi-<version>-win64.exe and go through the install wizard.

Installing Python

  1. Download the most recent version of Python from Download Python |

  2. Copy it to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Python.

  3. Run python-<version>-amd64.exe and go through the install wizard.

Installing OpenSesame

  1. Download the most recent version of OpenSesame from GitHub - open-cogsci/OpenSesame: Graphical experiment builder for the social sciences or from

  2. Copy it to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Open Sesame\

  3. Run opensesame_<version>-py311-win64-1.exe and go through the install wizard.

Install Poll Everywhere

  1. Download the most recent version of Poll Everywhere from Poll Everywhere applications | Poll Everywhere. Download the Poll Everywhere app for each application that is installed in the VM image. In this case, it should only be PowerPoint.

  2. Copy it to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\PollEverywhere.

  3. Run pollev.exe to install the plugin.

Installing Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep

  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Tableau\2023-1

  2. Run Tableau-64bit-<version>_unattended.exe to install Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep.

Installing PsychoPy

  1. Download the most recent version of PsychoPy from Psychopy.

  2. Copy it to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\PsychoPy.

  3. Run StandalonePsychoPy-<version>-win64.exe and go through the install wizard.

Install TeXworks

  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\StandardApps\TeXworks and open the folder for the most recent version.

  2. Run TeXworks-win7-setup-<version>-git_6b1c6ab.exe and go through the install wizard.

Install SPSS Statistics

  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\SPSS2023 and copy the folders Statistics to C:\temp\SPSS. If the SPSS folder does not exist, create it.

  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Temp\SPSS\Statistics.

  3. Run the following command in the command prompt msiexec.exe /i "IBM SPSS Statistics.msi" LICENSETYPE="Network" LSHOST="" /qn /norestart and wait for it to complete.

  4. Open the application and let it create/modify the Windows Firewall rules.


  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\SPSS2023 and copy the folder Amos to C:\temp\spss. If the SPSS folder does not exist, create it.

  2. Open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Temp\SPSS\Amos.

  3. Run the following command in the command prompt msiexec.exe /i "IBM SPSS Amos 29.msi" LICENSETYPE="Network" LSHOST="" /qn /norestart and wait for it to complete.

Installing FS Logix

  1. Download the current version of FS Logix from

  2. Copy the downloaded file to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\FS Logix and extract.

  3. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\FS Logix\FSLogix_Apps_<version>\x64\Release

  4. Run each application installed in the folder.

Installing MatLab R2022b

  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\MATLAB R2022b.

  2. Run MATLAB_R2022b_x64_CLASSROOM_unattended.exe and wait for the install to complete. Note: this will take a long time to complete.

  3. Once the install is complete, launch the software Start > MatLab R2022b > MatLab R2022b

  4. Go to Help > Check for Updates. If there are any updates to do, proceed with doing them.

Installing Antidote

  1. Open and login into the Client Portal (user/pw available in Passbolt). Click the University of Waterloo link beside Organizations. Navigate to Antidote Billingual. Download the latest version as well as GestionnaireMultiposte_Antidote11.exe in order to create the installers. Upload the latest versions' installers to \\artspythos\source$\Packages\Faculties\Arts\Druide. Also copy to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Antidote. Make note of the serial number and quota code from the web site.

  2. Run Antidote-<version>-unattended.exe and wait for the installation to complete. This may take some time to complete.

Installing SAS

  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\SAS and select the folder for SAS_9.4_Server_x64.

  2. Make sure the license file in the sid_files is current by opening it in Notepad and confirming the Expire date.

  3. Run setup.exe.

  4. When the installation wizard starts, go through using the following steps:

    1. Choose Language: English, then click OK.

    2. SAS Deployment Task: Install SAS software, then click Next.

    3. Select Install SAS Foundation and Related Software and click Next.

    4. Select Products to Install:

      1. Products to Install: SAS Foundation and related Software

      2. Click on Select All, then uncheck SAS Web Server.

      3. Click Next.

    5. Select SAS Enterprise Guide Mode: 32-bit Compatibility Mode (Recommended). Click Next.

    6. Select SAS Foundation Products

      1. Click on Select All.

      2. Click Next.

    7. Specify SAS Installation Data File

      1. Should have detected the SID files from step 2. Confirm the details are correct.

      2. Click Next.

    8. Select Language Support:

      1. Click on Clear All, leaving only English selected (by default and greyed out)

      2. Click Next.

    9. Set Regional Settings:

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    10. Default Product for SAS File Types

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    11. Specify Internet Browser

      1. Navigate to C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe and select.

    12. Specify SAS/GRAPH Java Applets Deployment Directory

      1. Input C:\SAS Deployment Temp\ and click Next.

    13. Select SAS PC Files Server System Service Option

      1. Place a checkmark next to Start Service Now and Automatically when Windows Starts

      2. Click Next.

    14. Specify SAS PC Files Server Port

      1. Leave default settings and select Next.

    15. SAS Environments URL

      1. Input C:\SAS Deployment Temp\ and click Next.

    16. Configure SAS Studio Basic

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    17. SAS Studio Basic Configuration Directory

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    18. SAS Studio Basic Ports

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    19. SAS Studio Basic E-mail Support

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    20. SAS Studio Basic Deployment Summary

      1. Click Next

    21. Configure SAS Simulation Studio

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    22. SAS Simulation Studio Configuration Directory

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    23. SAS Simulation Studio Ports

      1. Leave default settings and click Next.

    24. Checking System

      1. This will take some time as it loads all the install packages. Once done, click Next.

    25. Deployment Summary

      1. Click on Start. Installation will take quite some time to finish.

Installing STATA 15 IC

  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Stata_15-IC.

  2. Run Stata15_Unattended.exe and wait for the installation to finish.

  3. Update the software by going into Start > Stata 15 > StataIC 15 (64-bit)

  4. Click on Help > Check for Updates. If updates are available, click on Install available updates. Click on and proceed through any prompts that may appear.

Installing MikTex

  1. Navigate to \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\MikTex or download from

  2. Locate the most recent version folder and go into the deploy folder.

  3. Run t and wait for it to complete.

Installing RIT (Rotman Interactive Trader)

  1. Open and find the “Network Administrators” section. There is a link to contact RIT at Send an email asking for the latest msi’s for both the client and server installation. If they are the same as the current version in \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\RIT, there is nothing to do.

  2. Locate the most recent version folder

  3. Install both applications (RIT User Application-1.8.401.msi and RIT Instructor Application-1.8.401.msi)

  4. Open the RIT Instructor Application. It will prompt for license information. Enter in the following information:

    Name: Andrew Ecclestone
    Key: 7BE871D6-94A3-4562-B632-96BA63E2E643

Setting up Desktop Icons

  1. Open \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Desktop Links\.

  2. Copy the following folders to C:\Temp\.

    1. matlab_logo_icons

    2. mcgraw_hill_logo_icons

    3. SPSS

  3. Copy the following Internet Shortcuts to C:\Users\Public\Desktop

    1. Capital IQ Online Portal

    2. MATLAB Online Portal

    3. Need Help - UW Counselling Services

    4. UW Student Portal

  4. Copy \\\winapps$\WVD\Arts\Desktop Links\SPSS\Hayes Process 4.0\ folder to C:\Users\Public\Desktop

  5. Now go into the properties for the Captial IQ Online Portal Internet shortcut and change the icon to C:\TEMP\mcgraw_hill_logo_icons\mcgraw_hill_logo_Oky_12.ico.

  6. Now go into the properties for the MATLAB Online Portal Internet shortcut and change the icon to C:\TEMP\matlab_logo_icons\matlab_logo_7qc_12.ico.