To change the DCU welcome message and settings when creating a new database for a term or updating the DCU welcome as we change the scheduling representatives’ access throughout the term.
DCU set up for the first time after the database has been created:
Log into the Admin site of the DCU (https://isacadweb.nexus.uwaterloo.ca/DCU/Admin/)
Ensure that it’s pointing to the correct database in
General Setup
Database Configuration
The database you are going to be opening for reps should be listed under “Database Name:”
Enter the default term start and end dates:
Display settings
Change welcome board message (see below for examples)
Data entry settings
Global Settings & Available Data
Instructor Types = TBA
Unavailability Types = Level 3 – Preferred – May be overridden
Unavailability types displayed in Timetables within the DCU = everything
Constraints there should be 6 constraints listed as the teaching windows
No Back-to-Back Classes
No Research Days Required (available 5 days/week)
Teaching Window - 8:30-4:00
Teaching Window - 9:30-4:30
Teaching Window - 10:30-5:30
Teaching Window - All day 8:30-5:30
Ensure the change request form is closed in the DCU when you have first opened the DCU, this will change later in the term and is described in the Message Board Examples below. The Change Request Form is found:
Change Request Form
Change Request Settings
“Allow DCU users to send change requests” should be checked off
Perform cleanup activities in the DCU after the DataBase has been created and the term is imported, and update the Task document found on the “Scheduling and Exams” teams channel once complete.
In Timetabler go to Secondary Files then Terms to check for term date accuracy example:
Once all the changes and edits have been made the DCU can be opened for the people with DCU access. This is done from:
General Setup
Database Configuration
Then selecting “Open: Data Entry”
Message Board Examples
DCU Data Entry Period
For initial opening of the DCU for reps to enter course combinations, notes, instructor information & room/time/pattern requests using the DCU.
Add the make up dates to this message if applicable for the term explaining what’s going to happen and consequences for scheduling make up lectures on those dates.
Message board message:
FALL 2023
DCU Data Entry Period: April 3 - April 14.
Please enter your course combinations, notes, instructor information, room, and time pattern requests.
Please keep the following points in mind while entering your term information:
You cannot force off-pattern times into Registrar-managed classrooms.
If you are using a forced time, please use an existing “Forced Pattern Time(s)” where possible.
When scheduling into your own space:
If you are using a forced time and NO pattern exists, please use the “Forced Time(s)” and add the individual times and days.
Please keep in mind that if your deliveries have more than one day the start time and durations entered must be the same for each day of the week. If you have different times, you must create a new delivery.
If uncertain of a particular room type, go to the Rooms panel (left sidebar) and look up your room type before attempting enter the building and room number on the actual delivery in the course editing panels.
Please do not enter duplicate notes for the same section(s)
Only level 3 instructor unavailability’s are entered in the DCU. Level 1 and 2’s must be submitted on the Instructor Constraint forms via an email attachment to regstep@uwaterloo.ca.
Additions/deletions/edits to sections, topics, reserves, and course capacities must be emailed to regstep@uwaterloo.ca
The only changes that cannot be entered into the DCU is the request to add or delete courses or course sections.
Thank you so much - Happy Scheduling!
Links and resources:
UW Scheduling Reps Team Channel
Registrar's Resources for Staff and Faculty
Scheduling Office Email: regstep@uwaterloo.ca
DCU Review Period
For the initial review period for the DCU for reps to enter course combinations, notes, instructor information & room/time/pattern requests using the DCU. Nothing changes with reps access, we take a back up and place a DCU review within the Teams channel.
Message board message:
FALL 2023
DCU Review Period: April 17 - April 19.
Please enter your course combinations, notes, instructor information, room, and time pattern requests.
Please keep the following points in mind while entering your term information:
You cannot force off-pattern times into Registrar-managed classrooms.
If you are using a forced time, please use an existing “Forced Pattern Time(s)” where possible.
When scheduling into your own space:
If you are using a forced time and NO pattern exists, please use the “Forced Time(s)” and add the individual times and days.
Please keep in mind that if your deliveries have more than one day the start time and durations entered must be the same for each day of the week. If you have different times, you must create a new delivery.
If uncertain of a particular room type, go to the Rooms panel (left sidebar) and look up your room type before attempting enter the building and room number on the actual delivery in the course editing panels.
Please do not enter duplicate notes for the same section(s)
Only level 3 instructor unavailability’s are entered in the DCU. Level 1 and 2’s must be submitted on the Instructor Constraint forms via an email attachment to regstep@uwaterloo.ca.
Additions/deletions/edits to sections, topics, reserves, and course capacities must be emailed to regstep@uwaterloo.ca
The only changes that cannot be entered into the DCU is the request to add or delete courses or course sections.
Thank you so much - Happy Scheduling!
Links and resources:
UW Scheduling Reps Team Channel
Registrar's Resources for Staff and Faculty
Scheduling Office Email: regstep@uwaterloo.ca
During Schedule Creation
Once we have taken a back-up within Timetabler after closing the DCU for editing, we can re-open the DCU for View only and update the Message Board within the DCU Admin.
FALL 2023
Schedule Creation Period: April 20 - June 14.
Please note that the DCU is only open for view only during this time. During this period, changes can no longer be made within the DCU by scheduling reps. If you need to make a change please email regstep@uwaterloo.ca
The DCU will re-open for instructor changes on June 15.
Thank you so much - Happy Scheduling!
Links and resources:
UW Scheduling Reps Team Channel
Registrar's Resources for Staff and Faculty
Scheduling Office Email: regstep@uwaterloo.ca
Preliminary Review Period
The DCU should be opened for “Open: Instructor Assignments Only”
For Preliminary Review period, the DCU change request form should be opened.
Open the DCU Admin (link above) and select “Change Request Form” then “Change Request Settings”.
The Access Points should have “Allow DCU users to send change requests” should be checked on and “From the Delivery Edit Page” should be checked on.
E-Mail Settings the “Subject” should be changed to the current term numeric code.
Remove the question of “Time change requests now needs Associate Dean approval, does this have approval?”. To remove the question, select the question and then select the tiny trash can icon. She gone.
Message board message:
Spring 2021
DCU Preliminary Review Period: February 11 - February 22.
Please review your timetable and request any critical changes to your spring courses using the online Change Request Form within the DCU. The only changes that cannot be submitted via the form within the DCU is the request to add or delete courses or course sections those should be emailed to regstep@uwaterloo.ca.
While the DCU will remains open during this time, the departmental scheduling representatives will only be permitted to change instructor names themselves.
Thank you so much - Happy Scheduling!
Links and resources:
UW Scheduling Reps Team Channel
Registrar's Resources for Staff and Faculty
Scheduling Office Email: regstep@uwaterloo.ca
Final Schedule Released
For Final Schedule Released period, the DCU change request form should remain open.
The “Time change requests now needs Associate Dean approval, does this have approval?” required question should be added. The “Type” should be drop down list with “Yes”, “No - you may not submit this change until there is approval”, and “N/A”. To add this question, select the small plus icon under Change Request Questions, this pop-up will appear:
Enter in the question. Select under “Type” the “Drop-down list” radio button, enter in the three “Label”s and check the “Required” box.
Select “Ok” when done, then move the associate dean question to the top of the list. This is done by selecting the question and using the small arrows to move it up.
Message board message:
Winter 2022
Final Schedule Released Period: November 1st - November 3rd.
Please review your timetable and request any changes to your spring courses using the online Change Request Form within the DCU. The only changes that cannot be submitted via the form within the DCU is the request to add or delete courses or course sections. All time changes will require Associate Dean approval.
While the DCU will remains open during this time, only instructor name changes are permitted to be done by reps, all other changes should be done through the change request form found in the DCU at the delivery level on a course.
Thank you so much - Happy Scheduling!
Links and resources:
UW Scheduling Reps Team Channel
Registrar's Resources for Staff and Faculty
Scheduling Office Email: regstep@uwaterloo.ca
DCU View Only Period
Once we have pushed the course delivery information from the DCU into Quest we keep the DCU open, but with “View Only” access. Under “General Setup” and then “Database Configuration” the status should now be “Open: View only”.
The change request form should be “closed”:
Message board message:
Winter 2022
This database is no longer being updated with course changes and is out dated. The correct course information is all in Quest and on the Schedule of Classes; all course changes should be submitted using the online Course Change Request Form.
Thank you so much - Happy Scheduling!
Links and resources:
UW Scheduling Reps Team Channel
Registrar's Resources for Staff and Faculty
Scheduling Office Email: regstep@uwaterloo.ca