Accessing the Grades tool
Click Grades in the course navigation bar.
Not all courses use the grades tool in LEARN.
Viewing Grades
When grades are published in your course, they will appear on the Grades page.
Below is a sample of what a Grades page may look like.
Each course will vary depending on the settings used and the types of activities being assessed. Additionally, each instructor chooses which grade items to release to students, and when and how to release those items.
Grades for group Dropboxes
Usually, the feedback and grade published to a group dropbox applies to every member of the group. After viewing feedback left for your group within the Dropbox, you can also check the Grades tool for any personalized feedback and/or grade adjustments.
Final Grades
Final Grades are published in Quest, not in Waterloo LEARN. Once the Unofficial Grades date for the current term has arrived (see the calendar of Important Dates for the current term), registered students can view their unofficial term grades in Quest. For instructions on how to view these marks in Quest, see the FAQ item posted on the Quest site called How do I view my term grades?.
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