When the Request to Use a Flexible Classroom form is filled out here’s the process of how we deal with the requests once we have received them.
They are sent directly to the regstep@uwaterloo.ca email for the scheduling office to process.
The rationale is read through and the pattern is verified as being “on-pattern”. No forced times are allowed.
If everything looks and seems legit and logical then it’s approved for use of the FLEX rooms.
A response is sent back either saying that the flex room request has been added to the DCU (we would add the room type of “FLEX” and pavilion of either B2 or PAS depending on which they prefer), or an acknowledgment that they have already filled in the information within the DCU.
The forms are then filed under the term being requested in the “Flex Form Requests” folder in the inbox.
This queue is maintained through the DCu data entry period and during the preliminary and final schedule review as well. Once the information has been moved from Timetabler back into Quest we no longer maintain the queue, and anyone who would like to use the room now may do so, including non-academic bookings.