Creating appointments and meetings in Outlook

Creating appointments and meetings in Outlook


  1. In the Home ribbon, click New Appointment or New Meeting. This will open a new window.

  2. In the Subject field, enter a title for the appointment/meeting.

  3. In the Location field, enter the location, or if you're scheduling a meeting click Rooms... to book a room.

  4. In the Start time and End time fields:

    1. Select the start date from the first dropdown calendar.

    2. Select the end date from the second dropdown calendar.

    3. Enter the start and end times of the event or select the All day check box.

    4. Or use the scheduling assistant to find a time that people and rooms are available.

  5. If applicable, click the Private button.

  6. If the event is recurring on a regular schedule, click the Recurrence button to add a recurrence.

  7. In the Show As dropdown box, select how the event will appear in your calendar: Free, Working Elsewhere, Tentative, Busy, or Out of Office.

  8. In the Reminder dropdown box, select the amount of time before the event, or None, you'd like to receive a pop-up reminder.

  9. In the WYSIWYG text box, add any additional event details.

  10. To attach a file, select the Insert tab and click the Attach File button.

  11. For an appointment, click Save & Close. For a meeting, invite people to the event and then click Send.

Booking a room

Adding a recurrence 


Inviting people

  1. In the To: field, enter the email addresses of the people you'd like to invite to the meetings, separated by semi-colons. As you type, an auto-complete list will display people you've previously emailed. Click on an entry to add that person to the To: field.

  2. If they have a UWaterloo Exchange account (faculty, staff, grad student), click the To: button. In the Global Address List, search for the people you'd like to invite to the meeting. Select their names and then click the Required or Optional button to add them to those fields. Click OK.

Using the scheduling assistant


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