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This information is for users who are migrating from N: Drive to OneDrive as part of the IST migration project.

Video instructions

N Drive to OneDrive instructions.mp4

Part 1 - Before you migrate

  • Learn more about how to use OneDrive.

  • If you have more than one managed computer:

    • On your primary managed computer: complete all steps below

    • On your additional managed computers: complete all steps in Part 3

  1. Ensure that OneDrive is accessible. 

    1. In the System Tray, click the blue cloud icon OneDrive – University of Waterloo to ensure that OneDrive is active and states, “OneDrive is up to date”.

  2.  Ensure that your N: drive is accessible.  

    1. Open File Explorer and click on your N: drive to ensure it is mounted and accessible. If the system you want to migrate is at home, ensure you are connected to the VPN so that your N: drive is available.

  3. Ensure you have 15GB (recommended) free disk space.

    1. To check the total disk space left on your Windows 10 device: Select File Explorer from the taskbar Select This PC on the left The available space on your drive will appear under Devices and drives If you need to free up drive space in Windows 10 see this Microsoft article or contact your IST account rep for assistance. If the update runs and there is not enough disk space it will fail and make no changes; it will attempt to run again outside of business hours, but users should address the space issue immediately after the failure.

  4. If you are on a laptop, resolve any offline file conflicts.  

    1. Open Sync Center - type ‘sync center’ in the search box and then select Sync Center. 

    2. Select View sync conflicts

    3. If there are any conflicts for recent files that you want synced, select the file and click Resolve. You can ignore any system file related conflicts.

    4. Choose an option to resolve the conflict. The safest option is to keep both versions. 

  5. If you want to keep any files from your Recycle Bin, restore these files before you continue.

Part 2 - Install the 'AS - Copy N: Drive to OneDrive' update (optional)

This step is not required if you do not have any N: Drive content you want to migrate. This update will copy your existing N: Drive content from  N: drive, N:\Pictures, and N:\Desktop  to OneDrive:

  • N: Drive files will be moved to OneDrive\Documents.

  • N:\Pictures will be moved to OneDrive\Pictures.

  • N:\Desktop will be moved to OneDrive\Desktop.

This step can take some time depending on the number and size of files. It’s a two-step process. Files are copied from your N drive to your computer, then synchronized to your OneDrive space. 

If your managed machine is at home and you have bandwidth concerns, contact your IST account rep for alternative options.   

If you would rather manually move N: drive files to your OneDrive, see: Moving N Drive Files to OneDrive on Windows 10 or Moving N Drive Files to OneDrive on MacOS and then move on to ‘Enable OneDrive Documents folder as your default file location’. 

  1. Delete files from your N: Drive that do not need to be copied over to OneDrive.

  2. Ensure you don’t have any files open that are on your N drive. 

  3. Open Software Center - type ‘software center’ in the search box and then select Software Center. 

  4. In Applications, click ‘AS – Copy N: Drive to OneDrive. Select Install

  5. A command window will open and stay open until the process is completed. 

  6. Once the command window closes you can move on to the next section, ‘Enable OneDrive Documents folder as your default file location’. 

Part 3 - Install the 'AS - OneDrive Migration' update (required)

The steps below must be done for each Nexus computer you log into. This update will redirect the following folders; the default location of your ‘Documents’, ‘Pictures’ and ‘Desktop’ folders will change from N: Drive to OneDrive:

  • N: Drive will be redirected to OneDrive\Documents.

  • N:\Pictures will be redirected to OneDrive\Pictures.

  • N:\Desktop will be redirected to OneDrive\Desktop.

  1. If you did not complete Part 2, you will need to manually create folders named Documents, Pictures, and Desktop on your OneDrive before continuing.

  2. From Software Centre under Applications, click AS – OneDrive Migration

  3. Select Install.  

  4. Once the installation is complete, your computer will log you out. 

  5. If you are off campus, start a campus VPN connection before login, by clicking the icon that looks like two computers (in the bottom-right corner of the computer screen).  

  6. Log into your NEXUS account. 

  7. If you see the following window, click Back up these folders

Part 4 - Check to ensure the migration was successful

  1. Open your OneDrive – University of Waterloo folder in File Explorer. Microsoft OneDrive Status icons tell you the sync state of the file or folder.

  2. OneDrive will continue syncing files (this can take some time depending on the number and size of files), when complete the OneDrive icon in the taskbar will change from syncing to clear blue or, if there were syncing errors, with a red x.

    1. If there are any syncing errors, click on the cloud icon with the red X in your taskbar. 

    2. Click on the error message at the top regarding sync issues.

    3. Address any issues (usually just special characters in file names requiring files to be renamed).

  3. Files on your Desktop will have green checkmarks on the bottom-left corner of icons, they indicate the file has been synchronized on OneDrive.

  4. If things are not working as expected, try the reboot sequence once more: 

    1. Reboot.

    2. Connect to VPN before login if you are off-campus.  

    3. Log into NEXUS.

  5. To check for errors that occurred during the file copy, open to the ‘N-Drive_to_OneDrive.log’ file in your OneDrive. If you need help with looking up errors in the .log file, contact your IST account rep for assistance.


  • Files are still on your N: drive, they were just copied to OneDrive. 

  • Your default save location is now the Documents folder on your OneDrive. 

  • To prevent accidental file access from your N: Drive, N: Drive mapping will be disabled and your ‘Recent Files’ list will be cleared once the installation is complete.   

  • This procedure applies to computers, not users, so it needs to done on every managed computer that you use, or the most recent versions files you are currently editing may end up back on your N drive. You will then have to manually move those files back to OneDrive. 

  • If you are using a program that points to the N: drive to save/access files (e.g. Grouper), this will need to be re-configured to point to OneDrive.

Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.

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