Creating an event (appointment or meeting)
Sign into the Outlook Web App using your 8-character UWaterloo ( and your password
Next, select the Calendar view from the top left
While under the Calendar view, select New Event. This will open a new window (this is shown in second photo)
Click on the arrow next to New and select Calendar event.
The create event pane will open. In the first field, enter a title for the event.
In the location field, enter the location or click Add room to book a room.
In the Start and End fields:
Select the start date of the event from the dropdown calendar.
Select the end date of the event from the dropdown calendar.
Enter the start and end times of the event or select the All day checkbox.
Or use the scheduling assistant to find a time people and rooms are available.
If applicable, select the Private checkbox.
If the event is recurring on a regular schedule, add a recurrence in the Repeat field.
In the Reminder dropdown box, select the amount of time before the event, or None, you'd like to receive a pop-up reminder.
To receive a reminder by email:
Below the Reminder dropdown, click Add an email reminder.
In the Email reminder dropdown, select the amount of time before the event you'd like the email reminder sent.
In the Send reminder to dropdown, select who the email reminder is sent to: Me or All attendees.
In the Reminder message to send field, enter the message you'd like included in the reminder email.
Click Close.
In the Show as dropdown box, select how the event will appear in your calendar: Free, Working elsewhere, Tentative, Busy, or Away.
In the WYSIWYG text box, add any additional event details.
To attach a file, click the Attach button.
For an appointment, click Save. For a meeting, invite people to the event and then click Send.
Booking a room
If a room is set up as a resource in Exchange, you can book the room by inviting it to the event. Typical meeting rooms will automatically accept the request if the room is available during the event time. Rooms configured to require approval will tentatively accept the request and the booking delegate must accept or decline the request.
Click Add room.
Select a room from the list of resources available during the event time.
Next to location, add any additional location details.
Adding a recurrence
If an event is repeating on a regular schedule, you can add a recurrence instead of creating an event for each instance.
Example 1: Bi-weekly meetings
To schedule a meeting that occurs every other Tuesday from June to December:
In the Repeat dropdown, select Custom...
In the Occurs dropdown, select Weekly. Note: Each option will present different fields below.
In the Repeat every.. field, enter 2
Select the Tuesday checkbox
Click Save
3. There are now two more fields:
a. In the Start field, enter the start date for the recurring events: first Tuesday in June
The default is the date automatically listed in the Start field
b. In the To: field, enter the end date for the recurring events: last Tuesday in December 2021
The default is None
Example 2: Twice per month meetings
To schedule an appointment or meeting that occurs every second and fourth Tuesday of the month indefinitely, you need to create two events that recur monthly, one for the second Tuesday and one for the fourth Tuesday.
In the Start field, select the date of the first meeting on the second Tuesday of the month. The options now available in the Repeat dropdown list are based on the date in this field.
In the Repeat dropdown, select Every second Tuesday.
Repeat for the fourth Tuesday of the month.
Inviting people
When creating the event invitation, you can send invitations based on whether the attendees are required to join the meeting or no.
If an attendee is required to participate in the meeting, enter their email address in the Invite Attendees.. field. This will automatically add them as a Required Attendee. If the attendee is not required to participate, enter their email in the Invite Attendees.. field, and select Optional. This will automatically add them as an Optional Attendee.
Enter the email addresses of the people you'd like to invite to the meeting, separated by semi-colons. As you type, an auto-complete list will display people you've previously emailed. Click on an entry to add that person to the Invite attendees.. field
As you type, an auto-complete list will display people you've previously emailed. Click on an entry to add that person to the Invite attendees.. field.
2. Click Save
Using the scheduling assistant
A scheduling assistant is a useful tool for determining meeting times. It allows you to simultaneously view the calendars of all invited people (if they have a UWaterloo Exchange account) and rooms to coordinate event times.
At the top of the event invite, select the Scheduling assistant. This will open a new window, shown on the right.
2. In both Attendees: field, start typing the names or email addresses of the people you'd like to invite to the meeting, an auto-complete list will display people you've previously emailed. If a person does not appear in the auto-complete list, click Search Directory. Click on an entry to add it to the Attendees: field.
3. Click the Add room button.
4. If there is a particular room you'd like to use, click Browse with Room Finder and enter fill in any necessary details
5. Browse through the calendar to find a time with no or few conflicts.
Unless someone has shared their calendar with you, you will not see full event details. You will only be able to see what times they have appointments/meetings scheduled and whether those times are listed as Free, Working elsewhere, Tentative, Busy or Away
6. Click on the time you'd like the meeting to begin. The Start and End fields will be updated accordingly.
7. Change the end time to adjust the length of the event. The default is 30 minutes.
8. Click Done.
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