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This page provides instructions on how to change your WatIAM password. (red star)This is required for all UWaterloo users.(red star)
Additional resources are provided below for users whose email was migrated to M365.


All users are required to change their WatIAM password immediately:


  1. Log into WatIAM using your 8-character UWaterloo username (e.g. myuserna) and your current password

  2. Click on the Change Password button.

    1. Enter a strong new password into the Password and Confirm Password fields. The new password must be different from your old password--do not reuse a password.

  3. Once submitted, click on your name at the top-right corner of the page and select Logout

Your password is now reset across all of your UWaterloo accounts such as Quest, Learn, Workday, WaterlooWorks, and Outlook.

If you have used your UWaterloo password for non-UWaterloo accounts, it is advised to also change those passwords now.

If you are having trouble logging into your Nexus computer after the password reset

  • If you are logging in from home use your old password without VPN and clear any cached credentials.

  • If you are logging in from on campus, or are using VPN before logging in, use your new password.

If you still cannot log in, or see an error about connecting to the domain, contact or your local IT staff.


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Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.


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