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How are groups created in Outlook?
A group is automatically created in Outlook when a Team is created within the Microsoft Teams application. (To request a Team to be created, please complete the request form.)
A group can also be created after requesting a distribution list. To request a distribution list, complete the request form. Under topic select New Mailing List -> Distribution List. Moving an email from your personal inbox to a group in Outlook
A distribution list (DL) is similar to a mailing list. They are used to send emails to a group of people. With a DL, members of the list cannot reply to the DL’s to send emails to people in the group).
If an email is moved from your personal mailbox into an Outlook group, the contents of the email will then be available and accessible to everyone within that group.
For example, if an email is moved from your personal inbox to the Green Office group, all members of the Green Office group can view that email. When moving that email to the group, the following prompt will appear.
To check on the recall of a message
After submitting a recall request, you will get a status update via an email notification with the subject "Message Recall Report for message [message subject]". The time to receive status updates about the recalled email can vary. For a large number of recipients (i.e. thousands), it can take up to 30 minutes for the email to be recalled from all recipient’s inboxes.
Select the View Message Recall Report link from the email notification to view the report in your browser. If you’re prompted, log in with your mailbox credentials to view the report.
The message recall report will indicate whether
the email has been recalled
is currently in progress of being recalled
or if the recall has failed.
Info |
Recall actions are typically quick, regardless of how many recipients are involved. However, if the recall request can not be executed right away for some reason (e.g., the recipient’s mailbox is temporarily unavailable) it'll continue to retry for up to 24 hours before marking the recall as failed. this failed status can be viewed by clicking onthe Message Recall Report. |
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