Click on File > Database Tools > click copy database radio button
Enter new database name and ensure the source database is the one you are copying.
Click Create and sign into new database.
Sign into newly created Database
Take a backup, name is Copy of “” whatever database you copied from
Click on Tools > Rollover > Delete and select:
Scheduling Groups
Scheduling Ties
Academic Blocks
Course Combinations
Programs (Program Content, Program Allocations, Student Course Requests, Course Combination Requests, Academic Blocks)
Click Next, then Delete, then once it’s finished click “Previous”
Using the Advanced button on Rollover Delete, Select element Public Professor Blockoff Types -Level 3 - Preferred and remove Level 3 blockoffs that are associated with an instructors name (Don't delete the starred blockoffs (just the ones with the instructor names)), Select ,
Using the Advanced button on Rollover Delete again, select element “Professor” and select TBA instructors and delete all instructors in that type. Then click Done.
Clear any notes and Done Flags: Click on Tools > Rollover > Clear Notes… and select all notes and done flags to be deleted. Select all the notes (:
DCU Done Flags
DCU Professor Constraints
DCU Room Notes
DCU Time Notes
Note |
Not “Patterns” notes though, those should stay. |
Manually delete:
Secondary Files > Course Characteristics > Select all and delete.
Secondary Files > Terms > select term and delete
Pattern Constraints > only those created for the term (under 2x1 or 3x1 )
Take a back up in current database “Before Import” then switch
Switch databases to the previous like term.
Target Type: Space-delimited Text file (TXT)
ACCDB (the access database) staging file path: C:\Infosilem\AcademicSuite\14.1\Transfer\Timetabler\Export\Target\TimetablerExport.accdb
Recurring Export Options:
Delete previously exported data, in the target, prior to exporting = Y
Populate the change indicator flags (DIFF_FLAG) =Y
Export Data Selection:
Export all tables = All files
Click on export. When export is complete view report to ensure there are no errors then click Close.
Switch databases back to the one you’re creating. File -> Switch Database
Select the following files only:
Course Combination Requests
Course Combinations
Select next.
The reason you're bringing in the older like term - is for the course combinations. giving the reps a starting place.
Click "Browse..." then navigate to where the Target file is saved on the server. Click on Set All and Same Folder as Selected then click OK. Then Click "Next".
Check the Report for any problems. If everything is ok, click on Next. If you get rejects take a look at the source files there might be spacing issues when exporting from the older database, those can be fixed in .txt files. Check the reports and when everything is ok click Import.
Note |
Will get rejects for all course combination course characteristic requests in step 7 of 8. This is good because we don't want any reserve characteristics to roll forward |
Info |
Rejects are groups grouped by the reason reasons in the Rejected “Rejected Records ReportReport”, so if page 1 has course characteristic reject and the final page has the same reason, there’s only course characteristic reasons. Meaning there won’t be other reasons sprinkled throughout the report. |
Change all course combination's Default Academic Block type to 'to spread things out' by using a batch edit and enable any disabled cc's. In the Course Combinations along left side.
Import Rooms:
In Infosilem Timetabler navigate to Tools > Infosilem Campus Integration > Import Rooms
In Settings select Preset 1. Usually given to scheduling to handle
Note |
Change effective dates to Term dates |
Select Next
Expand | ||
| ||
one possible reason is the password needs to be updated in the Academic Suite Manager: |
Select no Room Filters:
Laptop 3.5 mm audio conne... (always is a duplicate)*
Check validations and import, then Done once the import has finished.
Change Registrar-managed rooms to room type of REG (not including B2 350/PAS 1241/PAS 1229/CPH 1346/HHA/UCOI rooms/any others that won't be scheduled into for this term). Change BMH and REN rooms as requested by the reps
If necessary, add electronic room and DOC camera as characteristics to appropriate REG rooms.
More Clean ups:
Usually can be done in the break between creating the database part 1 and part 2:
Detach any instructors from blockoffs block offs Level 1, 2, 3 (don't delete blockoffs block offs - just remove instructors to maintain shells)
Adjust the dates to the new term dates for all block offs and constraints
*Two ways to do it - from the blockoffs block offs or from instructors*
Ensure that all instructors have no "customized constraints"
Import Rooms:
In Infosilem Timetabler navigate to Tools > Infosilem Campus Integration > Import Rooms
In Settings select Preset 1.
Note |
Change effective dates to Term dates |
Select no Room Filters:
Laptop 3.5 mm audio conne... (always is a duplicate)*
Expand | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Room Assets should be in this format (no headers):