Course Combination Requests
Course Combinations
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The reason you're bringing in the older like term - is for the course combinations. giving the reps a starting place.
Click "Browse..." then navigate to where the Target file is saved on the server. Click on Set All and Same Folder as Selected then click OK. Then Click "Next".
Check the Report for any problems. If everything is ok, click on Next. If you get rejects take a look at the source files there might be spacing issues when exporting from the older database, those can be fixed in .txt files. Check the reports and when everything is ok click Import.
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Will get rejects for all course combination course characteristic requests in step 7 of 8. This is good because we don't want any reserve characteristics to roll forward |
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Change effective dates to Term dates |
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one possible reason is the password needs to be updated in the Academic Suite Manager: |