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Step-by-step guide
Go to
If you are not already logged in and are prompted to do so:
Enter your WatIAM user ID followed by “” (e.g., Your WatIAM user ID is a maximum length of 8 characters.
Use this format even if you have not been assigned a UWaterloo email account.
Then enter your WatIAM password
What if I receive an error?
If you receive an error stating that there either a “Bad Request - Header Field Too Long” error or the page says “An error occurred”, the linked you used to get to learn may have had additional information in it. Use the Step-by-step guide above to ensure you are going directly to
If using the direct link does not resolve the issue, please follow these steps:
Delete any bookmarks that you have for LEARN
Clear the browser cache (here are steps to delete cache
Restart the browser
Type in in to the browsers address bar.
If you still have issues, please email for further support.
What if there is a problem processing my authentication?
If the page says “There was a problem processing your authentication,” please email for further support. Please include your WatIAM ID and explain what your role at the University is.