Once the assessment has been created (for instructions on how to create an assignment please refer to the article Creating an assignment in Crowdmark) the next step after the assignment details is to add your questions to the assignment. Note: your assessment may use a mixture of MC, image upload, and text entry.
For multiple choice questions click on Multiple choice settingsIn the Multiple choice settings window, use the drop down menu to choose whether the students will need to select ONE or ALL of the correct answers:
Type in the question content in the designated areas and a description of the assignment (optional). Note that there must be at least one character in the Question Content box to add another question or Save and continue. You will have the opportunity to Edit questions before distributing the assignment to students.
If multiple choice choose Multiple choice option in the Response type drop downMarkdown formatting is supported and inline math equations can be entered by surrounding the text in single dollar signs. Displayed math is surrounded by double dollar signs. The Preview button shows how the formatted text will be visible to students.
Tables, bullets, bold and italics fonts can all be used. Refer to https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet for some quick formatting tips.