How do I save filters in a report?

Bookmarks capture the currently configured view of a report page, including filters, slicers, and the state of visuals. When you select a bookmark, Power BI takes you back to that view.  This enables a user to “save” a personalized view (or a collection of personalized views), including relevant filters, for their own ongoing use.  Creating a bookmark saves:

  • The current page
  • Filters, slicers, visual selection state (including cross-highlight filters)
  • Sort order
  • Focus or spotlight modes of any visible object

Step-by-step guide

To create a bookmark:

  1. Select Add a personal bookmark from the Bookmarks menu:
  2. A generic name is suggested, which the creator can update to something that is meaning to them.
  3. Bookmarks can be renamed, deleted, or updated using the ellipses next to the bookmark’s name and selecting the relevant action from the menu that appears.
  4. To display or navigate to a bookmark, select it from the Bookmarks menu.
  5. To open Bookmarks as a persistent pane (instead of a dropdown menu), select Bookmarks > Show more bookmarks from the menu bar.
  6. To return to the original published view of the report, select the Reset to default icon.

Generally, bookmarks will not be affected if the report designer updates or republishes the report. However, if the designer makes major changes to the report, such as removing fields used by a bookmark, then you will receive an error message the next time you attempt to open that bookmark.