Open Data vNext Available and Update

These pages are WIP as we transition, update, and publish more documentation.

Open Data vNext Available and Update

We're happy to make available a preview version of the Open Data API. As it stands, it has a few bare bones data sets available. We're primarily looking for feedback on the format, documentation, and the registration experience.

As a reminder, this data comes directly from the underlying authoritative systems and we're committed to it's accuracy.

Once we feel we have sufficient feedback on the registration process and the getting started guides and live documentation we will add additional data sets. The focus will be on replacing the course information, course scheduling, and those academic data sets that were by far the highest use cases on the current API version.

Please take a moment to check out the Getting Started - OpenAPI page, and try it out. We'd love if you could report your feedback on our public GitHub project page.

Thank you, and we're excited to bring future improvements (smile)