T2202 Form

T2202 Form

What is it for?

The Tuition and Enrolment Certificate, formally called T2202A before 2019, is an official income tax receipt which reflects information for the Winter, Spring and Fall terms in the previous calendar year.

What information does it contain?

This tax certificate contains information on the fees that CRA has defined as eligible:

·         Tuition

·         Student Services Fees

·         Health Services Building fee

·         Co-op fee (if applicable)

·         Work Report Marking fee (if applicable)

The T2202/T2202A tax certificates only reflects amounts for terms that you were Fees Arranged.

Where can I access it?

Your T2202 tax receipt for the previous calendar year (January-December) is available through your Quest account Finances tile. Tuition tax receipts will be available no later than February 28 for terms in the previous calendar year.

Who do I contact if I have specific questions about my T2202 form?

Please contact Student Financial Services for questions related to your T2202 form.


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