RLCS Relay Board Respin

RLCS Relay Board Respin

Author(s): Elias Kountouris

Background and Motivation

The current relay board may be subject to voltage kickbacks, which may damage components or reduce the lifetime of the board. Daising channing connectors is also frustrating due to the current pinouts on the connectors. 

Project Description, Requirements and Scope

The goal of this project is to prevent possible damage to the board due to voltage kickbacks. In addition, pinouts should be changed to make daisy chaining easier. The design requirements are that:

  • The flyback diodes should be able to handle any voltage kickback that may be created. The voltage it will be required to handle is to be determined before designing begins.

  • The changes made to the board should not change the form factor nor the functionality of the board.

  • The board should be easily interchangeable with the current relay boards.

Required Documentation

  • Design Doc

  • EE BOM

Deliverables Timeline

20 Oct - Determine Constraints. The precise voltage kickback expected to occur must be determined prior to design. 

5 Nov - Design Review.  Flyback diodes should be added to the schematics and pinouts should be changed. The PCB layout should be updated accordingly. 

30 Nov - Assembly. Boards should be assembled and probed to ensure no shorts / defects that are clearly detectable.

15 Dec - Full Integration Demo. The Board should be fully integrated with the relay system and be fully operational (to the previously established standards).

Cost Analysis

$20 - PCB

$60 - Components


Total: $80

Integration Concerns and Stakeholders


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