This page is to compile information and resources about the team’s COTS and SRAD valves, as well as to compile useful resources regarding valves and fluid systems.
Author: Michael
What is a valve?
Valves are mechanical devices that control the flow or properties of the flow of a fluid.
Examples of valves we use on the team
Fluid properties to consider
Phase - is the fluid a liquid or a gas?
Pressure - how hard is the fluid pushing?
For gasses: especially hazardous since compressed gasses can store a lot of energy
Flow - how much mass or volume is moving through the system at a given moment?
Temperature - how hot is the fluid?
Reactivity - will the fluid being transported react with the plumbing? Will the plumbing contaminate the fluid being transported?
Volatility - will the fluid vaporize/cavitate easily as it flows?
The team’s SRAD Valve development
COTS valves will not always work for our applications due to factors such as availability, cost, weight, and space. Additionally, developing our own valves provides members with a great learning experience in mechanical design and fluid systems.
Pyro valve
Vent valve
…more details to come
possible valves in the future,
Vent Valve II for liquid rocket
Flight Injector valves for liquid rocket
pressure regulating valve for liquid rocket
Valve resources
Title | Source | Description | Link |
Pressure Regulators, K Series, MS-02-230 | Swagelok | Product catalog, descriptions of features of a regulator, flow curves, materials of construction etc. | Pressure Regulators, K Series (MS-02-230;rev_O;en-US;Catalog) |
Pressure Regulators, RHPS Series, MS-02-430 | Swagelok | Product catalog, description of how a regulator works and features of a regulator. Also includes flow curves, materials, etc. | Pressure Regulators, RHPS Series (MS-02-430;rev_K;en-US;Catalog) |
Liquid rocket pressure regulators, relief valves, check valves, burst disks, and explosive valves, SP-8080 | NASA | Description of valves used in liquid rocket engine assembles, including pressure regulators, relief valves, check valves, burst disks, explosive valves. Design features, schematics, discussions of applications and problems encountered | |
Liquid rocket valve components, SP-8094 | NASA | Design of valve components, sealing methods (poppet, butterfly, ball, blade, sleeve, cylindrical slide). Valve housing, shafts, bearings, seals, materials | Liquid rocket valve components - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) |
Liquid rocket valve assemblies, SP-8097 | NASA | Design and integration of valve assembles, valve selection, design parameters, performance characteristics | Liquid rocket valve assemblies - NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) |