About ConsignO Cloud roles, permissions, and use cases

About ConsignO Cloud roles, permissions, and use cases

Roles and permissions


A "user" has access to the ConsignO Cloud platform and, depending on their permissions, has the ability to initiate signing projects, add additional signers, view dashboard analytics, and download documents and the audit trail, among others.

A user must be enrolled in the University's Duo two-factor authentication (2FA) service to gain access to ConsignO Cloud.

Users will be required to download project documents and audit trails as projects remain in ConsignO Cloud for up to three months and are then automatically removed.

Internal Signer

"Internal signers", University of Waterloo employees, may be required to review, approve, and sign an electronic document.

Most internal signers will not require access to ConsignO Cloud. Instead, they will receive a notification when they are required to review and sign a document. 

Internal signers will be required to authenticate (using their username@uwaterloo.ca and password) before accessing the document, and if they have opted-in to Duo 2FA, they will also receive an authentication prompt. 

Internal signers must be added to and log in to a project using their username@uwaterloo.ca address. 

External Signer

"External signers" are those individuals not employed by the University; they are external partners, vendors, or stakeholders.

External signers will receive a notification when they are required to review and sign a document. They will access the document via a link in the notification message and then enter a secret password provided by the project initiator. 

 Use scenarios

You will sign a document

In some scenarios, you may be the only individual that is required to sign a document. In this instance, you will be set up as a user with the permissions required to launch a signing project and sign the document. 


You will initiate an internal signing project

In some scenarios, you may not be required to sign the document, but you will initiate the signing of a document by others. In this instance, you will use your permissions as a "user" to launch, track, and facilitate the signing of the document, as required. You may only be required to work with internal signers.


You will initiate an external signing project

Again, you may not be required to sign this project document, but you will be required to initiate the signing of a document by others, and in this scenario, it includes external signers. While the steps are very similar to working with internal signers, there are some important differences to note when working with external signers, such as providing a secret authentication password.

Internally, ConsignO Cloud is available to University of Waterloo employees only.

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