System requirements

System requirements

Before you can create meetings, there are two system requirements you must install. Steps on installing Adobe Add-in are below. 

Note: To connect to UW's Adobe Connect portal And any invited sessions you must first connect to the University of Waterloo’s VPN. Please refer to Virtual Private Network (VPN) for more information.

Adobe Add-in

To install the Adobe Add-in:

  1. Open a new web browser and go to adobe.com/support/connect/downloads-updates.html#meeting-add-ins.

  2. Under the header Meeting Applications for Adobe Connect, select and download the latest version of the Adobe Connect Meeting Add-in for Windows or Mac, depending on your computer.

  3. Open and Run the program.

  4. Follow the instructions until it comes to the page where you can select Finish, when you click Finish, you are done installing the add-in.

Firewall settings

For Adobe Connect to work properly your computer and network must allow traffic through TCP ports: 80, 443 and 1935.

Pop-up Browser Window

You must "unblock" the pop-up feature in your browser


To test if the Flash Player and Add-in installed properly go to summit.uwaterloo.ca/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm.

If you pass all of the tests, then you have properly installed the system requirements.

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