WatSAFE desktop notification - Mac Installation
What is WatSAFE desktop notification?
WatSAFE desktop notification is one of several channels the University of Waterloo's emergency communication system will use to distribute messages in the event of an emergency. When triggered, the WatSAFE desktop notification software would cause a pop-up window to appear on the user's desktop screen, displaying the emergency message.
It is very important that both an installer file, and a configuration file exist before running the installer. Be sure to unzip both files. The installer will look for the settings file in the same folder from where it was run. If the settings file can’t be found, then the installation won’t be configured properly.
When unzipping is complete, there should be two files that were extracted:
Desktop Notifications-X.X.pkg - This is the Desktop Notifications Installer
DeviceSettings.plist OR UserSettings.plist - The settings for your desktop notifications app
Extract and install the software
Users may need to click Allow to allow downloads.
Extract the contents of the AppArmor zip file and Run the PKG file to begin installation: See zip file AppArmorDesktopMac_6.6.zip below
Right-click or Ctrl-click on the installer and then click on the Open button
Step through the rest of the installation process and enter your Mac password when prompted to install the software
In Finder > Applications, look for Desktop Notifications (blue icon with exclamation mark) and double click it to start
When prompted, click Allow to let WatSAFE Desktop Notifications access System Events, and depending on the OS version, to allow the tool to provide notifications
The Desktop Notifications app for MacOS is available as a notarized and signed PKG installer. The PKG is distributed within a ZIP file also includes a .plist file that contains the configuration for the app. After the installer has finished, it will run a post-install script to copy the settings to the /Library/LaunchAgents/ so that it can be automatically run by LaunchD.
Next steps
We recommend that you restart your computer to verify that the Desktop Notifications app automatically starts whenever you sign into the computer.
Verifying installation
To ensure the WatSAFE Desktop Notification tool is installed, look for the icon (University crest with green circle/check mark) in the menu bar and ensure the status icon is green. Hovering over the icon will display WatSAFE Desktop Notification.
Managed Mac machines
If you are responsible for managing a group of Mac machines, you may use the above file to deploy WatSAFE desktop notification to a single or large group of managed Mac machines.
The AppArmor WatSAFE desktop notification client will now automatically update
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