

What do I need to practice pharmacy in Canada?

To practice as a pharmacist in Canada, you will need:

(Canadian Pharmacists Association, n.d.)

The profession of pharmacy is regulated on a provincial and territorial level. For a detailed look at the specific provincial licensing requirements in every province, visit the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA).

For more information, please visit the Canadian Pharmacists Association.


What if I want to study abroad and return to Canada to work?

It is possible to pursue a PharmD abroad and return to Canada to practice. Enrolment in NAPRA’s Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada is a mandatory first step towards licensure in Canada for international pharmacy graduates (IPGs) in all provinces except Québec.


To apply to a PharmD program, you may apply through:


Canadian Pharmacists Association. (n.d.). Becoming a pharmacist in Canada. https://www.pharmacists.ca/pharmacy-in-canada/becoming-a-pharmacist-in-canada/