Exploring workplace culture

Exploring workplace culture


Working in Canada

Company culture varies widely depending on the industry or the organization. There are commonly “unwritten rules” or norms in the workplace which can be learned by observing others or asking more once you feel more comfortable. There are also explicit formal policies and procedures that are stated within the organization and are often made available during the onboarding experience.

The following are general guidelines to help you navigate workplaces in Canada. More information on navigating workplaces can be found in the section on strategies for workplace success.

Personal space

Everyone has their own comfort level when it comes to personal space, so it’s important to be aware of this and do your best to respect each person’s individual space. One way to be mindful of someone’s personal space is to pay attention to any cues they may give you. For example, if you notice that someone takes a few steps backward when they are having a conversation with you, avoid stepping forward to close the gap. This may be their way of non-verbally expressing to you that you have come closer than they feel comfortable.

Keep in mind your own personal space when interacting with others in the workplace. Set your boundaries in a way that feels comfortable for you. You may choose to: tell the person directly that you prefer more space, sit down, take a few steps to add distance, use hand gestures or create a physical barrier by standing behind a desk. It’s your space; it’s up to you. 

Eye contact

The use of eye contact is a difficult behaviour to provide general advice on. Eye contact can vary greatly across cultures, gender identities, religions and personalities. Comfort with eye contact can also vary significantly between neurotypical and neurodiverse people. 

In North America, avoiding eye contact is still often considered a sign of disrespect or dishonesty (Bonaccio et al., 2016). Though we know that this isn’t always true if you are uncomfortable making eye contact, here are a few strategies you could try: 

  • practice with someone you feel safe with

  • focus on different areas of the face (e.g., top of the nose, around the eyes)

  • use active listening techniques such as nodding to show you are engaged and interested in the conversation

  • use a 3 - 5 second rule – permit yourself to make eye contact for only 3 - 5 seconds before looking away

If you still find making eye contact difficult or uncomfortable, don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You can slowly and gradually increase your comfort level by practicing with a strategy that works best for you. 


In North America, shaking hands is a common professional greeting when being introduced to someone or meeting someone for the first time (Bonaccio et al., 2016). Shaking hands may not be an acceptable practice for some people due to cultural or religious reasons, personal space considerations or concerns regarding spreading illness. 

If someone chooses not to shake your hand, politely adapt your greeting to the situation. 

If someone extends their hand but you prefer an alternative greeting, consider how to react in a polite way that’s comfortable for you and practice it. One approach might be to put your right hand to your chest and say, “I’m sorry, I don’t shake hands, but it’s a pleasure to meet you,” or “I’m sorry, I’ve been sick, and I want to be extra careful not to spread it’. 

Depending on the situation, some other alternatives for shaking hands include: 

  • fist or elbow bump

  • nod and friendly smile 

  • hand wave 


Ideally, employers should promote an inclusive dress code policy. Such a policy would, for example, not require particular clothing based on gender or gender identity and would be inclusive of clothing and hairstyles from a variety of cultures and religions.   

If you have specific concerns about an organization’s dress code, please ask before accepting the job offer. You may place a strong value on working for a company with an inclusive dress code policy, which may strongly influence your decision to accept or remain in a job. Your decision may also depend on your personal financial situation or other circumstances.  

Identify if your company has a formal, written dress code policy and observe what others are wearing to figure out the company’s norms.  You could do this by visiting the work site or by searching for photos from company events posted on their website or their social media accounts. Remember that it is okay to ask your new manager or colleagues, even before you start. 


Scents in the workplace refer to smells or odours from ingredients and chemicals in certain cosmetic, body care and cleaning products. These additives are also referred to as “fragrances”.  Some workplaces are scent-free, requiring staff and clients to refrain from using personal care and other products that contain scents or fragrances (e.g., perfume, deodorant). The health and safety of employees and clients are the main reasons employers choose to implement a scent-free workplace policy. For example, scents can contribute to sensory overload for neurodivergent folks (Praslova, 2023) and cause health issues (Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, 2024).

Before starting your new job, inquire about whether your organization has a scent-free policy, and consider that others you work with may have sensitivities to scent.

If you want to learn more about scent-free policies, please visit the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety programs. 

Greetings/small talk

Be prepared to greet your coworkers with a “hello” or a “good morning!” if you pass them in the halls or when you first get settled into your workplace in the morning. When you leave work, it is also polite to say “goodbye” or “have a good evening” to your coworkers.

It is fairly common for these interactions to lead to small talk: “How was your weekend?” or “Do you have any plans for the holidays?” Be prepared to answer and reciprocate the question.

Spending a few minutes chatting at the beginning or end of the day is commonly acceptable. Talking for long periods of time in the middle of the day may be interpreted as unproductive or not having enough work.

Small talk topics that are usually well-received:

  • Current events (positive/non-political)

  • Industry talk

  • Food

  • Styles and trends

  • Clubs/associations

  • Sports

  • Hobbies

  • Restaurants

  • Weather

  • Commutes

  • Construction

  • Weekend plans/activities

  • Vacations

  • Games

  • Movies

Small talk topics that could be controversial, depending on context:

  • Salary/finances/spending habits

  • Politics

  • Religion

  • Inappropriate or offensive jokes

  • Gossip

  • Questions about personal relationships

  • Alcohol or recreational drug use

Personal names

You can usually address your coworkers and managers by their first name. The exception will be when you introduce someone: you will want to use their first and last name. For example: “Susan, I would like you to meet Erica Chan, Director of Marketing.” In certain formal situations or when meeting members of an executive team or government officials, use the individual’s title and family name when addressing them (Ms. Chan).

Speaking up/asking questions 

Collaboration is an expectation in many workplaces. While it can feel like you should “know everything,” do your best to ask questions if you need something clarified. It’s better to clarify and ask than to make assumptions or proceed without the necessary helpful information. Asking questions and contributing your ideas shows you are engaged and eager to contribute. 

Punctuality and attendance 

Being on time for your workday and other work commitments (such as meetings) can demonstrate that you are reliable, respectful and can manage your time effectively. However, most of us have arrived late to something important for a valid reason. Life happens! If you will be late for the start of your workday or a meeting, it’s good practice to inform your manager or whomever you’re meeting with as soon as possible. 

Before starting a new job, make sure to discuss the expected working hours with your employer. Standard working hours can vary greatly between industries and organizations. It is important to also discuss any flexibility in your working hours with your employer. This flexibility may include lieu hours, overtime pay or adjusted working hours. 

Constructive criticism 

Understanding how Canadian employers handle critical feedback is crucial for your professional development. In the Canadian workplace, feedback is often given constructively, aiming to guide and improve your performance rather than criticize. Employers typically emphasize what you are doing well alongside what could be enhanced, maintaining a balanced approach that fosters growth and learning.

When receiving feedback, listen actively and openly without taking comments personally. This can sometimes be challenging, especially in cultures where direct feedback is less common.

In Canada, such openness is viewed positively and is integral to your career progression. Consider each piece of feedback as a stepping stone towards better performance and integration into the workplace culture.

Act on the feedback by asking clarifying questions if you're unsure about specific suggestions. Set up follow-up meetings to discuss your improvements or further guidance. Remember, utilizing feedback effectively not only improves your skills but also demonstrates your adaptability and eagerness to grow—qualities highly valued by Canadian employers.

If you receive feedback that feels inappropriate or harmful, you can find more information about safety and your rights and also have the option to speak to a Career Advisor.


Bonaccio, S., O’Reilly, J., O’Sullivan, S. L., & Chiocchio, F. (2016). Nonverbal Behavior and Communication in the Workplace: A Review and an Agenda for Research. Journal of Management, 42(5), 1044–1074

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. (2024). Scent-free policy for the workplace. https://www.ccohs.ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/scent_free.html

Praslova, L. (2023, January 18). Sensory safety: A must of neurodiversity inclusion in the workplace. Specialisterne Canada Inc. https://ca.specialisterne.com/sensory-safety-a-must-of-neurodiversity-inclusion-in-the-workplace/