E-classroom listing - click here to view a list of e-classrooms, their capabilities and how to use them.

E-classroom training (videos)

About this service

Many classrooms on-campus have data projectors, podium computers, and other technologies installed. IST provides support for these technologies, classroom design, and systems integration.

Podium fobs will not be required for Spring 2024

In recognition of this transitional period, podium fobs will not be required to use the instructional technology in Registrar e-classrooms. We ask that you please remember to shut down the system from the touch screen when you have finished using the instructional technology.


Booking an E-Classroom

Instructors wishing to use an e-classroom should contact their timetable or departmental booking representative.

Podium computers

The podium computers in electronic classrooms (e-classrooms) are connected to Nexus. You will need your username and password to login to the computers (if you need to obtain a Nexus account, contact the service desk in your faculty). 


Connections are available at the podiums for hooking up laptops to the projection system. E-classrooms have access to the Internet via wired and wireless connections. Instructors are encouraged to test their setup before their class to invest time to resolve any unforeseen incompatibilities.

Document cameras (doc cams)

Available in all e-classrooms to present material, whether it is written word or objects, both in-room and to a remote audience. Present written material more effectively than whiteboards or blackboards as the presented image is sized accordingly to each room. Object details can be presented to the audience without moving the artifact around the room.


Most e-classrooms will have a wireless lapel microphone available for instructor use. The microphone head will have a clip that can be placed on the instructor, approximately 4 inches below the mouth. The transmitter pack can safely be placed in a pocket or clipped onto clothing. Please remember to turn off the microphone transmitter pack when finished.


Audience Microphones

Some e-classrooms will have microphones located in the ceiling and designed to capture speech from the audience. Uses include streamed or recorded lectures.

Collaborative Technologies/Systems

Hardware and Software systems found within E-Classrooms that allow instructors to host remote participants attending via a video conferencing platform. Not all rooms providing Collaborative technologies on UW campus have the same equipment or capabilities. Collaborative Technologies will fall into one of these 3 categories:


E-classroom support staff are happy to provide an orientation session for the rooms, including how to use streaming/recording facilities in Registrar's e-classrooms with those installed. Please e-mail eclass@uwaterloo.ca to book a time, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Who can use this service

  • Instructors

  • Faculty

  • IT Support Staff

How to request this service

  • For urgent support, contact the ITMS Hotline ext. 33233.

  • Non-urgent support requests can be sent to eclass@uwaterloo.ca.

Support for this service

Please see Electronic classrooms services and support details, or a list of instructional technology available in a given classroom (requires WatIAM login).


Free for centrally-scheduled classrooms.

Additional service resources

Resources may be located within the IST Knowledge Base or on a website

IST KB resources that may be related to this service entry

Service catalogue feedback

If you’d like to share any feedback about this service catalogue entry, please let us know.