What are action verbs …and why should I use them in my résumé?
Action verbs are words that express an action. The first word of each experience bullet point on your résumé should typically be a strong action verb. Strong action verbs can:
Highlight your relevant skills, experience and accomplishments
Clarify the nature of your capabilities and contributions
Administrative and organizational
Allocated Approved Arranged Catalogued Charted Classified Coded Collated Collected Complied Dispatched Distributed Documented Executed Filed Generated
| Implemented Inspected Maintained Monitored Operated Organized Planned Prepared Prioritized Processed Proofread Purchased Recorded Resolved Retrieved Reviewed
| Routed Scheduled Screened Set up Specified Spearheaded Standardized Systematized Tabulated Transformed Updated Validated Verified
Acted Addressed Advertised Aided Answered Arbitrated Advised Advocated Appraised Arranged Articulated Authored Brainstormed Briefed Called Clarified Co-authored Collaborated Communicated Campaigned Circulated Composed Condensed Conferred Connect Consulted Contacted Contracted Contributed Convinced Conveyed Cooperated Coordinated Corresponded Counselled Critiqued Debated Defined Demonstrated Described Developed Directed Discussed Displayed Distributed Documented Drafted
| Elicited Edited Elicited Emphasized Enlisted Enlivened Explained Expressed Extracted Familiarized Fielded Formulated Greeted Highlighted Illustrated Improvised Incorporated Influenced Informed Inspired Instructed Interacted Interested Interpreted Interviewed Involved Issued Joined Lectured Listened Lobbied Marketed Mediated Merged Moderated Motivated Negotiated Observed Oriented Outlined Participated Performed Persuaded Presented Printed Promoted Proposed
| Publicized Published Queried Questioned Quoted Read Recommended Reconciled Recruited Redirected Referred Reinforced Relayed Rendered Represented Reported Resolved Responded Revamped Reviewed Revised Rewrote Settled Shaped Showed Sold Solicited Specified Spoke Submitted Suggested Summarized Synthesized Talked Trained Transcribed Translated Travelled Unified Updated Verbalized Wrote
Creativity and innovation
Abstracted Acted Adapted Arranged Composed Conceptualized Cooked Created Customized Demonstrated Designed Developed Devised Directed Drew
| Entertained Established Fashioned Founded Generated Illustrated Imagined Improvised Initiated Innovated Instituted Integrated Introduced Invented Made
| Modeled Originated Painted Performed Planned Predicted Problem solved Produced Revitalized Shaped Sketched Solved Synthesized Visualized
Administered Allocated Analyzed Appraised Audited Balanced Budgeted Calculated Checked Computed Developed
| Estimated Evaluated Figured Financed Forecasted Inspected Investigated Maintained Managed Marketed Memorized
| Ordered Organized Planned Prepared Projected Reconciled Reduced Researched Selected Tracked Verified
Advised Advocated Aided Alleviated Arbitrated Assessed Assisted Assured Attended Cared Carried out Clarified Coached Conceptualized Cooperated Coordinated Counselled Created Delivered
| Demonstrated Detected Diagnosed Eased Educated Empathized Encouraged Endorsed Engineered Enhanced Expedited Facilitated Familiarized Foresaw Furnished Guided Helped Intervened Investigated
| Mentored Mobilized Modelled Motivated Provided Referred Rehabilitated Related Relieved Represented Rescued Resolved Saved Served Suggested Supported Transitioned Volunteered
Leadership and mentorship
Accelerated Achieved Administered Aligned Allocated Analyzed Appointed Approved Assigned Attained Authorized Chaired Conducted Consolidated Consulted Contracted Controlled Coordinated Cultivated Decided Delegated Designated Directed Distributed Enabled
| Enforced Enhanced Established Executed Evaluated Facilitated Fostered Guided Governed Harmonized Headed Hired Implemented Improved Increased Initiated Inspired Instituted Judged Lead Lobbied Managed Mentored Motivated Mobilized
| Named Negotiated Organized Oversaw Planned Presided Prioritized Produced Recommended Reconciled Recruited Regulated Reorganized Reported Restructured Retained Reviewed Scheduled Selected Shaped Spearheaded Strengthened Supervised Taught Trained
Research and critical thinking
Adapted Analyzed Applied Argued Ascertained Assembled Assessed Benchmarked Brainstormed Calculated Catalogued Charted Clarified Coded Coined Collected Compared Compiled Computed Conceptualized Conducted Correlated Critiqued Defined Designed Detected Determined Devised Diagnosed Diagramed Discovered
| Documented Established Estimated Engineered Evaluated Examined Experimented Explored Extracted Extrapolated Focused Forecasted Found Gathered Hypothesized Identified Inspected Inspired Interpreted Interviewed Introduced Invented Investigated Located Mapped Measured Mobilized Monitored Observed Organized Pinpointed
| Predicted Presented Probed Produced Projected Proved Qualified Quantified Read Recommended Related Reported Researched Reviewed Revised Scanned Searched Solved Studied Summarized Surveyed Synthesized Systematized Tabulated Tested Theorized Traced Tracked Transcribed Uncovered Verified
Teaching and training
Adapted Advised Assessed Assisted Clarified Coached Communicated Conducted Consulted Cooperated Coordinated Counselled Critiqued Demonstrated Demystified Developed Dispensed Educated Elaborated Enabled
| Encouraged Enforced Enrolled Enriched Evaluated Explained Facilitated Familiarized Focused Graded Guided Honed Individualized Informed Initiated Instilled Instructed Learned Lectured Mentored
| Motivated Persuaded Planned Role played Scaffolded Schooled Served Set goals Showed Simulated Stimulated Taught Tested Trained Tutored Utilized
Teamwork and collaboration
Accepted Accommodated Acknowledged Adapted Adjusted Advised Agreed Aligned Amassed Anchored Anticipated Arranged Assimilated Attuned Balanced Bargained Blended Brainstormed Buoyed Coalesced Collaborated Consulted Contributed Cooperated Coordinated Counselled Cultivated Delegated Directed
| Diversified Elevated Embraced Empathized Enabled Encouraged Energized Enlisted Facilitated Forged Fostered Gathered Guided Harmonized Ignited Included Influenced Inspired Joined Learned Liaised Listened Mediated Melded Mentored Merged Mobilized Moderated Modified
| Motivated Negotiated Nominated Observed Organized Participated Partnered Persuaded Recruited Reconciled Requested Researched Resolved Respected Sensed Served Shaped Shared Supplemented Syncopated Tailored Teamed Trained Unified United Volunteered Wove
Technical and mechanical
Adapted Adjusted Applied Assembled Built Calculated Calibrated Coded Computed Computerized Debugged Designed
| Developed Devised Dissected Engineered Fabricated Installed Maintained Manufactured Mapped Navigated Operated Overhauled
| Programmed Remodeled Repaired Replaced Standardized Studied Solved Trained Upgraded Utilized
Accomplishment action verbs
accomplishment action verbs to highlight a wide range of accomplishments, impacts and results in any role or sector. Review and select those that apply to you.
Accomplishment, impact and/or result action verbs
Achieved Accelerated Accomplished Acquired Adapted Added Addressed Adjusted Advanced Advocated Aligned Amended Amplified Approved Arranged Assured Attained Augmented Awarded Balanced Brought Built Boosted Broadened Centralized Championed Clarified Combined Completed Conceived Conceptualized Concluded Conserved Consolidated Constructed Contributed Converted Convinced Corrected Created Cut Decentralized Decreased Delivered Demonstrated Designated Designed Developed Diminished Directed Discovered Doubled Drove Earned Eclipsed Eliminated Empowered Enacted Energized Enforced Enhanced Enjoyed Enlarged Enlisted Enriched Established Ensured Executed Exceeded Excelled Expanded Expedited Exposed Extended Finalized Finished Fixed Forged
| Formalized Formed Fortified Founded Framed Fulfilled Furthered Gained Generated Grew Guaranteed Handled Headed Heightened Implemented Improved Incorporated Increased Influenced Initiated Innovated Integrated Intensified Introduced Invented Joined Launched Led Leveraged Lowered Made Maintained Managed Mastered Maximized Merged Met Minimized Modernized Modified Multiplied Navigated Negotiated Obtained Opened Optimized Orchestrated Ordered Originated Outpaced Outperformed Overcame Overhauled Perfected Performed Persuaded Piloted Planned Pinpointed Pioneered Positioned Preserved Prevented Prioritized Produced Programmed Projected Promoted Propelled Proposed Proved Provided Raised Reached Realigned Realized Rebuilt Received
| Recognized Recommended Redesigned Reduced Reengineered Refined Regained Renewed Regulated Rehabilitated Reinforced Rejuvenated Released Remedied Remodelled Reorganized Repaired Repositioned Renewed Resolved Replaced Resolved Restored Restructured Retained Revamped Reversed Revised Revitalized Revived Risked Salvaged Saved Secured Served Shaped Sharpened Shepherded Showcased Simplified Slashed Solidified Solved Sparked Standardized Started Steered Stimulated Strategized Streamlined Strengthened Structured Submitted Succeeded Supported Surpassed Sustained Systematized Targeted Transferred Transformed Trimmed Tripled Troubleshot Turned Uncovered Unified Updated Upgraded Utilized Validated Verified Widened Won Yielded
You have the option to select adverbs to accompany your verbs Adverbs describe a verb and therefore how you did something (e.g., efficiently organized, meticulously planned etc.).
When used strategically, an adverb can clarify an action verb to help accurately capture the nature of your experience or the way in which you uniquely (and successfully) undertook an activity. You may also decide to include adverbs contained in the job description to demonstrate your alignment with the organization.
Adverbs can be integrated your résumé to strengthen your bullet points by:
Conveying how efficiently or reliably you completed an activity (e.g. rapidly scanned, consistently received positive feedback from clients)
o achieve something (e.g. assertively managed, cooperatively drafted, conscientiously planned)
Describing an approach to how you performed an activity (e.g. thoroughly vetted, independently conceptualized)
Emphasizing the impact or result of your contribution (e.g., successfully launched, effectively mentored, significantly increased)
Review these sample adverbs and select those that apply to you.
List of adverbs
Actively Adeptly Aggressively Assertively Attentively Capably Carefully Cautiously Compassionately Competently Confidently Conscientiously Considerably Consistently Continuously Convincingly Cooperatively Courteously Correctly Creatively Decisively Deliberately Dependably Diligently Diplomatically Directly Dramatically
| Discretely Eagerly Easily Effectively Efficiently Effortlessly Extensively Formally Frequently Gradually Impartially Increasingly Independently Innovatively Kindly Logically Meaningfully Meticulously Methodically Painstakingly Passionately Patiently Persistently Precisely Primarily Positively Proactively Proficiently
| Promptly Purposefully Rapidly Reliably Resourcefully Respectfully Rigorously Routinely Selectively Sensitively Significantly Skillfully Steadily Strategically Strongly Successfully Supportively Systematically Tactfully Tenaciously Thoughtfully Technically Thoroughly Uniquely
Columbia University (n.d.) 200+ Action Verbs to Spice Up Your Resume. Columbia University. https://www.careereducation.columbia.edu/resources/200-action-verbs-spice-your-resume
Doan, D (2024, July 23) Maximize Your Impact: 205 Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume. HubSpot. https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/action-verbs-for-resume
Fennell, A. (n.d.) 57 strong adverbs to add to your resume in 2024. StandOutCV. https://standout-cv.com/usa/resume-adverbs
Georgetown University (n.d.) Actions Verbs. Georgetown University. https://careercenter.georgetown.edu/major-career-guides/resumes-cover-letters/action-verbs/
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (n.d.) Resume action verbs. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. https://capd.mit.edu/resources/resume-action-verbs/
McGill University (n.d.) Action Verbs. McGill University. https://www.mcgill.ca/caps/files/caps/guide_actionverbs_category.pdf
No author (2023, May 2) How to Use Resume Action Verbs the Right Way in 2023? Hiration. https://www.hiration.com/blog/action-verbs/
No author (n.d.) Most Effective Action Verbs to Use on Your Resume. Resume Worded. https://resumeworded.com/action-verbs
No author (2023, December 18) 240+ Resume Action Verbs with Examples. Resumeway. https://www.resumeway.com/blog/resume-action-verbs/
Protsenko, K. (n.d.) Types of Adverbs in English. Promova Grammar. https://promova.com/english-grammar/different-types-of-adverbs-in-english#adverbs_of_degree
The Muse editors (2024, February 29) 185+ Action Verbs to Make Your Resume Stand Out in 2024. The Muse. https://www.themuse.com/advice/185-powerful-verbs-that-will-make-your-resume-awesome
University of Iowa (n.d.) Resume Writing Power Verbs. University of Iowa. https://careers.uiowa.edu/resume-writing-power-verbs
University of Iowa (n.d.) Power Verbs. University of Iowa. https://careers.uiowa.edu/sites/careers.uiowa.edu/files/2022-01/powerverbs%20%281%29.pdf
Wellesley Career Education (n.d.) Action Verbs for Resumes. Wellesley Career Education. https://www.wellesley.edu/careereducation/sites/careereducation/files/Action_Verbs.pdf
York University (n.d.) Action verbs. York University. https://careers.yorku.ca/files/2017/05/Action-Verbs.pdf?x80908