Scanning Scantron Exams
The Scantron hardware can be used for scanning Exams completed on scantron exam form. There are two (2) preconfigured options for scanning to make scanner easy and providing flexibility in the workflow desired. Option 1 is fully automatic and will scan the exams only prompting to add more exams than the 100 page capacity tray can hold and will result in two files being creating the exam data file which can be manipulated through the Remark Classic OMR software after the scans have been completed. Option 2 is an automatic scan, but will stop to prompt for any empty or answers with more than one answer allowing for identification and changes/updates to be made as the scan is occurring. This option will also result in two files being creating the exam data file which can be manipulated through the Remark Classic OMR software after the scans have been completed. The last option is to manually scan and process the exams through the Remark Classic OMR software but this process is not outlined in this document.
Option 1
Login on the Scantron computer with the course name as the username and the password provided for the course.
Sort the exams and ensure the answer key is on the top of the pile
Load the Exams into the feed tray on the scanner pressing the “Press to Load” button down so the exams load properly. *The Tray has a maximum capacity of 100 sheets and a marker on the tray indicating the max. If you have more than can fit separate the pile and you will be prompted to add more when the first pile is scanned.
Double click on the desktop icon labeled “Scan Exams” to start the scanning.
The system will open a window asking if you want to review the scans for blank and or multiple answers on a question.
Answer “n” and press enter to question 1 – then the scanning will start.
When the scanning from the tray is completed a prompt will display asking if you want to continue scanning. If you have more exams load them in the tray before making a selection. *Occasionally the prompt will display behind another window so you may need to find this prompt if it is not showing.
Click Yes to continue scanning if there are more exams to be scanned.
When completed click NO to finish scanning the exams and have the marking processed.
Once the marking and reports are generated the software will close and a window showing the exams data file and the excel report file with the names examdataYYYYMMDD and examYYYYMMDD where YYYY is the year MM is the month and DD is the day.
These files can be saved or transferred as needed. *Note running another exam under the same user on the same date will overwrite these files.
The Exam data file can be opened on the Scantron machine and will open in the Remark Clasic OMR software and allow for manipulation of the data as desired.
Option 2
Login on the Scantron computer with the course name as the username and the password provided for the course.
Sort the exams and ensure the answer key is on the top of the pile
Load the Exams into the feed tray on the scanner pressing the “Press to Load” button down so the exams load properly. *The Tray has a maximum capacity of 100 sheets and a marker on the tray indicating the max. If you have more than can fit separate the pile and you will be prompted to add more when the first pile is scanned.
Double click on the desktop icon labeled “Scanewithprompts” to start the scanning.
The system will open a window asking if you want to review the scans for blank and or multiple answers on a question.
Answer “y” and press enter to question 1.
Next you will be asked if you want to ignore blanks on the Section and/or Test Master fields. Enter “y” to ignore blanks and “n” to stop on them, then press enter.
Last enter the number of questions on the exam and press enter.
The scanning software will load the configuration and start scanning after 10 seconds.
The system will start the software and scanner and will start scanning the exams.
The Remark software will open and prompt for any Blank and/or Duplicate answers including on the answer key. *Note there will be a prompt for the first blank answer on the answer key and if below 70 answers on the 71’s answer as it is the start of the back page of the exams.
Review any highlighted items for each page scanned and prompted for and either update change or uniquely identify each exam/ questions with problems clicking on End review when completed
After clicking on end review you will be prompted to either save the page in with the data (“Save Page”) have the page removed from the date – if you want to run it in a separate batch at a later time (“Discard Page”) or to cancel the scanning completely.
Repeat Steps 7 & 8 as needed until the exam scanning is completed.
When the scanning from the tray is completed a prompt will display asking if you want to continue scanning. If you have more exams load them in the tray before making a selection. *Occasionally the prompt will display behind another window so you may need to find this prompt if it is not showing.
Click Yes to continue scanning if there are more exams to be scanned and repeat steps 7-9 as needed.
When completed click NO to finish scanning the exams and have the marking processed.
Once the marking and reports are generated the software will open the grading/reporting part of Remark and will open the excel report file for review. *Note when you close the excel report file the system will close the Remark software as well and complete the process of saving the files and opening a window to show you where the files are saved.
The two files saves are the exams data file and the excel report file with the names examdataYYYYMMDD and examYYYYMMDD where YYYY is the year MM is the month and DD is the day.
These files can be saved or transferred as needed. *Note running another exam under the same user on the same date will overwrite these files.