Fee Estimates
I need a fee estimate of future tuition, incidental and residence fees. Where can I obtain this? |
Students can use our Interactive Student Fee Estimator to obtain estimates based on whether you are a Canadian/Permanent Resident/International student, your academic level, academic load, and whether you are looking for a one term or one year fee estimate. |
Will the fee estimate show scholarships or awards I am expecting to receive? |
Any scholarships, awards and other funding to which you may be entitled will be applied to |
I’ve made a prepayment for my future fees. Where can I find an invoice of my payment?. |
·Allow 5-7 business days for your payment to arrive at the university. |
·Log in to the student information system-Quest. |
·Click on the "Admissions" tile, then click on "My Account", then "Account Inquiry", and then on the term. (If there is |
·Scroll to the bottom of the Account Summary page and click on the yellow button labelled "Email my bill". |
·Type your email address in the box and click "SEND". You will receive an email with a PDF receipt attached. |
Why doesn’t the receipt show the term that my program begins? |
Your receipt will reflect the current open term at University of Waterloo, not necessarily the term your program begins. |
The Fee Estimator rounds up tuition costs to ensure that students do not owe any balances when tuition fees are posted. |