Step-by-step guide
Please see the Crowdmark support article Managing sections or multiple versions of an exam for more information. The article mentions administered assessments but the instructions are relevant for non-administered assessments as well.
Create an assessment, click Save.
Choose the type of assessment, click Next.
Enter the details for your assessment, click Next.
Enter details and questions of your assessment. Click Save and go to Dashboard!
5. Click on Name of Course at the top screen (above the Distribute the assignment window)
6. Click on Create assessment and choose Duplicate existing
7. Choose which assessment you want to duplicate in the drop-down menu. Enter a new assessment name. Click Duplicate assessment.
8. If additional versions are required, repeat step 6 and 7.
9. You will need to handle the roster manually:
One way would be to generate groups randomly in LEARN and then export those. Each of those would be considered a 'section' even though your students may be in a single section course (and you would have a version for each section).
another option would be to import the list of students in a CSV file and creating sections by adding a column at the end. Please see this article on Managing students in a course.
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