Helping Exams and Central Stores upload a spreadsheet into Campus so the bookings don’t have to go in manually.
Exams typically happens the first week of the second month of the term:
Fall (early October)
Winter (early February)
Spring (early June)
Central Stores asks for Orientation to get uploaded early July
Creating Files to upload Orientation Bookings or Exams
Place the CSV file (received from Annette for exams and Jamie for Orientation) in the format required into the appropriate folder on the R drive (“R:\Scheduling\Systems\Scripts\Bookings or Exam”). There should be an example of the file format in the “Scripts” folder. The name of the file should not have spaces – use underscores.
Using ultraedit open up the csv file and ensure the time is hh:mm (09:00) and the date is YYYY-MM-DD (with the dashes)
If you open the .csv in excel you’ll have to fix the formatting of the E and F columns (the times) make it a custom format of hh:mm
Ensure that there’s no commas in between section numbers (example: ACTSC 372 LEC 001, 002) it will throw it into a new column and make no sense in the transfer.
Delete the Reservation and Reservation_bookedRoom.txt files if they exist in the “Exam” folder
*Please note * the script hard codes the name/description to Winter Exams – you need to change this in the file!!!!
From your PC search bar type CMD. Click on Command Prompt. Type R: (enter) then
cd scheduling\Systems\Enterprise Reservation Scripts
If for exams type “cd exam” (or tab to find the folder name) then enter. Then press tab until “” then a space then “<” space and tab again until the file name is there “f19_2.csv”. hit enter
Once entered it should appear as R:\Scheduling\Systems\Scripts\Exam> < test_training.csv
*Used for Orientation only (frosh week) If for orientation type \Bookings (or tab to find the folder name) < ori_final2.csv
The files will be put into the appropriate folder (Bookings or Exam) and you can now use these to upload into Campus.
The script hard codes the name/description to Winter Exams – you need to change this in the file!!!!
After the files are created open them with Ultra edit.
Fall Final Exams,Fall Final Exams,Fall Final Exams,Final Exams,20191206-1,Scheduled Only,0,20191206,20191206,0,,09:00,11:30,,,,Final Exams,AFM 462 ,,,1,,1,SO,00:10,00:10,,,
K:\sisp\Infosilem-downloads (pick which ever you’ve installed – the most current install version) {K:\sisp\Infosilem-downloads\Enterprise2018_1_0\Documentation\English\Integration Guides\Text Files In the document this is referring to Scheduling - Event management then looking for the Reservation.txt Text file name}
Event Id, EventType, ActivityID, ActivityType, ReservationID, ReservationType, Number of attendees, Start date, end Date, recurrence type,
Reservation description is the course (MATH136)
Once files are created head to Campus Admin and log in as “super” user under Utilities look for Import/Export > Text files > Import (Don’t use exam scheduling module – we bring them in as events)
File Type should be Character Delimited Values and, in the box next to it, that’s a comma.
Place a copy of the files on the desktop of the Campus Admin client you’re using, in a folder called “Reservations”. Search for the files and you should only have booked rooms checked – reservations, event management and scheduling they will get auto checked – but make sure. The top default file path is where the reservations.txt file is and the second on is where the booked rooms file is.
Then Click “Import”
Then close. If there are reject check the transfer log and see what went wrong. Otherwise check to ensure everything came in correctly. You can upload the same files again until everything has come in without errors – it doesn’t create extra bookings or conflicts (thankfully!)