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              To  To change the DCU welcome message and settings when creating a new database for a term or updating the DCU welcome as we change the scheduling representatives’ access throughout the term.



DCU set up for the first time after the database has been created:


  • Change Request Form

    • Change Request Settings

      • “Allow DCU users to send change requests” should be checked off


 Perform Perform cleanup activities in the DCU after Systems is done on their end the DataBase has been created and the term is imported, and update the Task document found on the “Scheduling and Exams” teams channel once complete:


In the Timetabler database use “Tools” then “RollOver” then “Delete…” and “Advanced” to “Select a data element:” then select “Deliveries”:

any deliveries associated with a TST slot

any deliveries with a forced time (Status has a green bottom)

any deliveries with no time or no room request (Status red top/bottom)

any deliveries with no Time request and a room request (white top/red bottom)

any deliveries with forced room and no time (green top red bottom)


This will ensure we are clearing out any forced times and rooms. Keep all deliveries with a Status of white and red top/white bottoms. 

In Timetabler go to Secondary Files then Terms to check for term date accuracy example:


Along the left-hand navigation bar select Course Combinations and then check to ensure Course combinations are all enabled and that the Default Academic Block Type is set “to spread things out”Once all the changes and edits have been made the DCU can be opened for the people with DCU access. This is done from:


For initial opening of the DCU for reps to enter course combinations, notes, instructor information & room/time/pattern requests using the DCU.


Add the make up dates to this message if applicable for the term explaining what’s going to happen and consequences for scheduling make up lectures on those dates.

Message board message:

FALL 2023

DCU Data Entry Period:  April 3 - April 14.

Please enter your course combinations, notes, instructor information, room, and time pattern requests.

Please keep the following points in mind while entering your term information:

  • You cannot force off-pattern times into Registrar-managed classrooms.

  • If you are using a forced time, please use an existing “Forced Pattern Time(s)” where possible.

  • When scheduling into your own space:

    • If you are using a forced time and NO pattern exists, please use the “Forced Time(s)” and add the individual times and days.

    • Please keep in mind that if your deliveries have more than one day the start time and durations entered must be the same for each day of the week. If you have different times, you must create a new delivery.

    • If uncertain of a particular room type, go to the Rooms panel (left sidebar) and look up your room type before attempting enter the building and room number on the actual delivery in the course editing panels.

  • Please do not enter duplicate notes for the same section(s)

  • Only level 3 instructor unavailability’s are entered in the DCU. Level 1 and 2’s must be submitted on the Instructor Constraint forms via an email attachment to


Additions/deletions/edits to sections, topics, reserves, and course capacities must be emailed to

The only changes that cannot be entered into the DCU is the request to add or delete courses or course sections.

Thank you so much - Happy Scheduling!

 Links and resources:

UW Scheduling Reps Team Channel  

Registrar's Resources for Staff and Faculty

Scheduling Office Email:


Preliminary Review Period

The DCU should be opened for “Open: Instructor Assignments Only”

For Preliminary Review period, the DCU change request form should be opened.
