As a member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, you may have several questions about navigating the job application process: Should you include your pronouns in your cover letter? How much should you disclose about your identity in your resume résumé or during an interview?
These are common concerns, and it’s important to take the time to consider how much information you would like to share or not share about yourself and at what stage in the application process. Knowing your rights as a candidate and what employers are and are not allowed to ask is also empowering.
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Job Searching |
Where can I look for a 2SLGBTQIA+-friendly job or network?
Pride at Work Canada: A non-profit organization that supports inclusive workplaces and offers a job bank.
exeQutive: A forum for 2SLGBTQIA+ folks based in the greater Toronto area (GTA) that features networking events and guest speakers.
Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC): Canada is home to has over 100,000 2SLGBTQI+-owned businesses. CGLCC offers programs that either support 2SLGBTQI+ entrepreneurs with training and tools to be more successful in Canada’s business landscape , or help businesses better support 2SLGBTQI+ employees, businesses and consumers.
Start Proud: Provides learning and networking opportunities to 2SLGBTQIA+ undergraduate and graduate students in business, law and technology programs, as well as an annual conference Out on Bay Street.  Its Proud on Campus Program works with queer student groups, offering support, advocacy and the tools needed to make a difference on campus.
GLOW Centre for Sexual and Gender Diversity provides a place to “meet new people, learn about current 2SLGBTQ+ issues, and have a little fun in a safe space.”
University of Toronto’s Your Journey: A Career Guide for Trans and Nonbinary Students is designed to offer helpful resources and information to trans and nonbinary students to help make the best career decisions for them.
How can I tell if a company I encounter is 2SLGBTQIA+-friendly?
When searching for 2SLGBTQIA+-friendly employers, start by researching the company’s policies and values on their website and social media. Look for inclusive non-discrimination policies, employee resource groups, participation in diversity events (e.g., Toronto Pride) and public statements supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ rights.  Third-party reviews on platforms like Glassdoor can also offer alternative perspectives about whether an organization is truly inclusive.
Benefits | Considerations |
Helps find the right fit: The organization’s reaction to your disclosure can help uncover important information about their values, attitudes and company culture. This may make it easier for you to filter out employers that don't offer a safe and supportive environment. | May activate bias & discrimination: Even if employers don't intend to discriminate, unconscious bias may affect their perception of your application. In some cases, revealing your pronouns may lead to overt discrimination or microaggressions from employers who have prejudiced views. If you believe you are facing discrimination or harassment, please see the section on |
Could reduce misgendering: Could help avoid a situation where the employer misgenders you during the application or interview process. | May be too soon: Sharing your pronouns reveals personal information about your gender identity, which you might prefer to keep private until you're more familiar with the company's culture and values. |
Allows for accommodations: Disclosing before the interview allows you to make any accommodation requests (e.g. access to all-gender washrooms) . | May lead to uncomfortable questions: Sharing your pronouns at the interview may open you up to uncomfortable questions in the moment as the employer has not yet had time to process the information. Questions about your identity that do not relate to your ability to perform the job are illegal. For guidance on how to respond to questions like this, please see the Interviewing interviewing section belowthat follows. |
Should I include specific work experience with 2SLGBTQIA+ communities in my application documents?
- Visit the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) website to obtain the most up-to-date contact information for the OHRC, the Human Rights Legal Support Centre , and the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario.
Info |
If you’d like to book a mock interview to prepare, you can reach out to a career advisor for an appointment. |
What questions can I ask to determine if the workplace is 2SLGBTQIA+-friendly and supportive?
The interview can be a great opportunity to gauge whether a workplace is inclusive. Some sample questions include: