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Step-by-step guide

  1. Right-click on the link for your course final assessment (ie CS 115 (OL) Final) and open in a new tab in Odyssey.

  2. Scroll down to Rooms & Seats

    o    Click on drop down for “Add new special sitting:”

    o    Choose appropriate makeup session date and time

    o    Then click “ADD SITTING”

  3. On the same page: Scroll up to and click “Special Cases”

    o    Click “Update Existing Candidate

    o    Type in student ID#

    o    Then click “Next”

  4. On the next page:

    o    Check student name and ID# to ensure correct student.

    o    Go to “Allocation” drop down box and choose the correct makeup session date and time.

    o    Then click “Update…”


  • If you have uploaded an exam for the current term in Odyssey and want to use that version for your makeup exams, there is no further action needed by you.

  • If you choose to use a different version of the exam that has not been previously uploaded in the current term, you will need to follow the steps below:

    If you are not using a Crowdmark exam, you can email your exam or contact us for hand delivery at
    If you are using a Crowdmark exam, you will need to create the exam in Crowdmark directly. You can email the Crowdmark file or contact us for hand delivery at

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