Step-by-step guide
Right-click on the link for your course final assessment (ie CS 115 (OL) Final) and open in a new tab in Odyssey.
Scroll down to Rooms & Seats
o Click on drop down for “Add new special sitting:”
o Choose appropriate makeup session date and time
o Then click “ADD SITTING”
On the same page: Scroll up to and click “Special Cases”
o Click “Update Existing Candidate”
o Type in student ID#
o Then click “Next”
On the next page:
o Check student name and ID# to ensure correct student.
o Go to “Allocation” drop down box and choose the correct makeup session date and time.
o Then click “Update…”
If you have uploaded an exam for the current term in Odyssey and want to use that version for your makeup exams, there is no further action needed by you.
If you choose to use a different version of the exam that has not been previously uploaded in the current term, you will need to follow the steps below:
If you are not using a Crowdmark exam, you can email your exam or contact us for hand delivery at
If you are using a Crowdmark exam, you will need to create the exam in Crowdmark directly. You can email the Crowdmark file or contact us for hand delivery at
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