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Table Of Contents:


From the Submit menu on the course navigation bar, click the link to Quizzes.

Taking a Quiz

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Quizzes.

    Arrow pointing at Quizzes.
  3. From the main Quiz List, select the quiz you want to take.

  4. On the Summary page, carefully read the Quiz Details and Instructions for the quiz. In particular, note the Time Allowed.

    Arrow pointing at Time Allowed. Instruction highlighted. Text box saying 'Important read all instructions before starting the quiz'. Star Quiz button highlighted.
    1. If you have been provided with an accommodation, an icon will appear next to your quiz time indicating that an accommodation has been applied.

      User has accommodations icon highlighted.
  5. Click the Start Quiz! button to begin the quiz. Once you click the button and the quiz finished loading, your time will begin.

  6. Your response to each question will be automatically saved once you select a response. You can quickly review which questions have and have not been answered by reviewing the Questions area on the left-hand side. Questions that have been answered will have a checkmark. Questions that have not been answered will have a dash.

    Page 1 and questions highlighted. Saved highlighted.
  7. If your quiz has more than one page, click the Next Page or Previous Page buttons to navigate between pages. Not all quizzes are set up to allow backtracking to previous pages. Ensure you have responded to all questions on your current page before moving to the next page in case you are not able to return to the first page.

  8. To submit your quiz, click the Submit Quiz button at the bottom of the page.

    Submit Quiz button highlighted.
  9. On the Quiz Submission Confirmation page, you will be warned if you have any unanswered questions. Click the links below the warning to return to the unanswered questions or click the Back to Questions button.

  10. When finished click the Submit Quiz button again to return to the Quiz Confirmation page.

  11. When you are ready, click the Submit Quiz button to confirm your submission.


Each instructor decides the level of feedback, if any, that will be released for a quiz, as well as when the feedback will be released. In some cases, you may not receive feedback and in others, you may receive feedback in stages (e.g. some feedback will be released upon submission of your quiz and then additional feedback will be released after the quiz period has ended).

Step-by-step guide

  1. Select Submit from the course navbar.

  2. Select Quizzes.

  3. Click the down arrow next to the quiz title and select Submissions.

    Arrow pointing at Submissions from down arrow drop-down menu.
  4. Click the link to Attempt 1. If the quiz settings allow more than one attempt, you will see a list of all attempts completed to date. Click the link to the particular attempt you wish to review.

  5. After viewing the attempt details, click the Close button at the bottom of the page to return to the Submissions page.
