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Use to see your computer's VPN connection status.

In the Second Password field, enter one of the following (i.e. push, 6 digit code, bypass code, SMS, phone) then click OK.

For Duo Mobile push (app): 

  • Open your Duo app, select University of Waterloo, enter the code in the second password field [Recommended option], or

  • Enter ‘push' or 'push1’ to send the prompt to your primary device, or

  • Enter ‘push2’ to receive the prompt on a secondary device, ‘push3’ to receive the prompt on a tertiary device, etc.

For Duo hardware token: enter your 6-digit code

For Duo Bypass code: enter your bypass code

For SMS codes: enter ‘sms’; you will get a text message with 10 codes. Re-enter your password, and type the first code in the second password field.

For YubiKey: enter the code generated by touching the YubiKey

For Phone Call: enter 'phone'

  • Enter ‘phone2’ to receive the prompt on a secondary device, ‘phone3’ to receive the prompt on a tertiary device, etc.

  • If you are not receiving Duo phone calls, you may have a setting that is blocking the phone calls. Some possible solutions include adding the Duo phone number, (306) 900-4884, to your device whitelist, or if the service is blocking unknown callers, add the Duo phone number as a contact on the device.

    • iPhone: 'Silence Unknown Callers'

    • Telus/Koodo: 'Call Control'

    • Android: 'Block Unknown Callers'

    • Call Control or Call Blocker app

    • Any anti-spam service

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Need help?

Contact the IST Service Desk online or 519-888-4567 ext. 44357.


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