Scheduling will code the requests within the DCU, there will be a termly meeting or email to send along the confirmed instructors who have been approved to be in the room just before Scheduling starts scheduling, the approvals will come from Mary Power and Marcel David.
Training will take place in March for spring term, July for fall term, and November for winter term and will be done my Marcels team.
Once the schedule has been created and posted for each term publicly if a course in the room wants to change their time to an off pattern time that will be permitted (not ideal, though)
If training hasn’t taken place by the start of the term Mary Power/Marcel David will let scheduling know and the course will be removed from the classroom and placed in a RO managed room.
Ad-hoc bookings will also all need to be submitted on the active classroom form.
The rationale is read through and the pattern is verified as being “on-pattern”. No forced times are allowed. The section cap is verified as being at least 25 and no more than 48. Email the rep back if any of the above doesn’t add up. If everything is in order and the rationale is logical, it is approved for use of a FLEX roomMary Power and Marcel will determine if everything is acceptable and give the go ahead.
A response is sent back either saying that the flex active room request has been added to the DCU (we would add the room type of “FLEX” “Active” and pavilion of either B2 or PAS depending on which they prefer), or an acknowledgment that they have already filled in the information within the DCU accuratelyPHY) by scheduling with the caveat that the room may still be denied we will let them know when we are about to schedule if the instructor has been allowed to use the room. Have them delete all room request notes/instructor notes/time notes that may refer to using a flex an active room as they are redundant. The forms are then filed under the requested term in the “Flex “Active Form Requests” folder in the regstep inbox.
The form is active throughout the DCU data entry period and during the preliminary and final schedule review periods as well. Once the information has been moved from Timetabler back into Quest we remove the term from the flex request form, and anyone who would like to use the room now may request it informally. always active. Ad-hoc bookings may must also request the room (including non-academic) , but through the form using the similar steps above for courses. They will remain in a booking queue until after midterms are booked approximately one month before the start of any given term.