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Note: a Service category must be created first, then Services can be created and added to the a Service category.

  1. From the administration bar, select Workbench then My Dashboard.


titleMedia settings

Media settings can be accessed through the Media drop down.

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 13.59.25.png

titleService details

The Service details drop-down menu allows you to add a variety of details about the Service offered.

  1. You can enter a Popularity rating from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest)

  2. You can select checkboxes to determine Who can use this service.

  3. Under What's available, you can enter specific services that are available. Select Add another item to add more items that are being offered.

  4. You can add information on How to request this service.

  5. You can enter the Minimum notice to use service.

  6. You can enter the Average length of time to complete request.

  7. You can enter a Pricing/cost for the service.

Note: “Free” can be entered in this field to display that the Service has no cost, however is nothing is entered in this field the cost will not automatically display as free.

  1. You can enter information about Support for this service.

titleService hours and exceptions

Under the Service hours drop-down menu, you have the option to enter values in the Service hours field and Exceptions to the regular Service hours.

  1. By selecting the Add time slot button, users can add another row of hours (e.g., if the service is closed over lunchtime).

  2. Exceptions can be added by selecting the Add exception button (e.g., to accommodate for holidays).

titleService location

The Service location block lets you choose the location address and location coordinates.

  1. The map will default to the University of Waterloo if the latitude and longitude are set to zero.

  2. Optionally, a link to a map with the Service location can be entered in the Map field.

The event location box on the edit tab for event content typesImage AddedThe last 3 fields, Latitude, Longitude, and Map, in the event location box on the edit tab for eventsImage Added

Note: You can optionally select the Service location on the map in this section, but it will not auto-fill the location address.

titleMenu settings

The Menu settings drop down allows you to change whether the Service appears in the menu and how it appears:

Screenshot 2024-04-02 at 14.04.44.png

Checking Place in site hierarchy box enables you configure how your Service appears in the menu.

  • Checking the Add menu link box will add your Service to the main menu.

  • The Menu link title field allows you to edit the Service title in the main menu.

Note: The title in the Menu link title field can be different from your Service name.

  • The Description field allows you to add a description that will show when hovering over the menu link.

  • The Parent link drop down allows you to choose where in the menu your item occurs.

Note: By default, the Parent link is set to Main navigation.

  • The Weight field allows you to choose the order that your menu items are displayed.

Note: Lower weights display before higher weights.
