After the schedule has been created and the reps have had time to make any last minutes edits this is the process and procedure to move the course information from Timetabler to Quest.
Compare differences between real sections/topic # appearing in Quest and those appearing in Timetabler (The excel that you’ll get from Quest you’ll need to concatenate the subject||Catalog_NBR||topic ID to get them the same as the courses from Timetabler) From Timetabler you’ll just go to the courses level in Timetabler, and simply pull the list of courses directly from there. Need to remove duplicates and sort then do an EXACT function in Excel [example: =EXACT(A2,B2)] (UW_RS_SCH_CRSES_OFFRD_SB)
Compare scheduling groups from timetable (HWDR and HELD) to Quest and ensure they match and we aren’t missing one from each side. Grab a list of the component heldwiths from Timetabler paste it into excel, and run this query: UW_RS_SCTN_CMBN_TOTALS_SB in Quest and use “=EXACT” to find the odd ones out.
Finding who enrolled students into real sections before all the course information has been uploaded so they can remove the students (excludes COOP/WKRPT) (UW_RS_SCH_REAL_ENRL_CHECK_JV)
Run queries to ensure that all the necessary tables are blank:
Infosilem Work:
Once Scheduling has finished the task document work and has taken a back up then you can start the upload.
In Campus Administration add the new term, and change the past reservations date (put it 4 months ahead)
Quest Work:
To find instructors attached to courses that are not in their approved subject lists in the instructor/advisor table UW_RS_SCH_NO_SUBJ_INSTR_TBL_NP
How to setup the Infosilem Ent Sync Setup