Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Place the CSV file (received from Annette for exams and Jamie for Orientation) in the format required into the appropriate folder on the R drive (“R:\Scheduling\Systems\Scripts\Bookings or Exam”). There should be an example of the file format in the “Scripts” folder. The name of the file should not have spaces – use underscores.

  2. Using ultraedit open up the csv file and ensure the time is hh:mm (09:00) and the date is YYYY-MM-DD (with the dashes)

  3. If you open the .csv in excel you’ll have to fix the formatting of the E and F columns (the times) make it a custom format of hh:mm

  4. Ensure that there’s no commas in between section numbers (example: ACTSC 372 LEC 001, 002) it will throw it into a new column and make no sense in the transfer.

  5. Delete the Reservation and Reservation_bookedRoom.txt files if they exist in the “Exam” folder

  6. *Please note * the script hard codes the name/description to Winter Exams – you need to change this in the file!!!!

  7. From your PC search bar type CMD. Click on Command Prompt.  Type R: (enter) then

  8. cd scheduling\Systems\Enterprise Reservation Scripts

  9. If for exams type “cd exam” (or tab to find the folder name) then enter. Then press tab until “” then a space then “<” space and tab again until the file name is there “f19_2.csv”. hit enter

  10. Once entered it should appear as R:\Scheduling\Systems\Scripts\Exam> < test_training.csv

  11. *Used for Orientation only (frosh week) If for orientation type \Bookings (or tab to find the folder name) < ori_final2.csv
